This came up in my health care forum.
Right now, you can legally detain someone medically when they are a danger to themselves or others for up to 72hrs. The details vary by state, but this is how we lock down individuals trying to suicide or someone mentally off the rails making threats of violence.
This variation on that law would also make opposition to Trump qualify.
Civil commitment can follow as with individuals who have profound mental illness and are not safe to be out in the world.
This is the loudest scream that democracy is dead short of hauling people out into the street and shooting them.
It’s important to note the police are currently the people who bring individuals in for the 72hr mental health holds.
This post and the responses make me glad I was private schooled.
I graduated from multiple private schools, I don’t understand what you mean? Is reading legislation and sharing news not taught at your private schools?
… multiple private schools? You must be smart
You only attended one? You must be less smart by your standard.
Do I think it will pass? No. But the fact that it’s even within the social psych of any lawmakers right now is worth a look. The link is a .gov for bills.
Breaking things means the guard rails we are used to no longer exist, we need to stay cognizant of that bit.
This is unhinged. I hope it doesn’t pass.
It won’t. Even if it did Walz would would veto it.
Every single elected Nazi will probably vote for it, but they don’t have a majority and they are super upset about it.
I will scream it from the roof tops that he is incompetent and my dislike for him. I’m not scared.
The government has artillery.
Don’t threaten me with a good time
You’re not scared because your great grandmother wasn’t thrown out a 4th floor window by Nazis. You really don’t understand a dictatorship, do you?
My grandmother was a German citizen. My blood runs deep and I fully understand how you put these people in their place.
To be clear, screaming on rooftops didn’t put the nazis in their place, communists with guns did.
Is this a call to arms against the USsA?
It is an observation of historical facts, I am not prescribing any particular action.
Running in the woods and trying to wage a protracted people’s war against the local police didn’t put the nazis in their place either, so who exactly would I be calling to arms?
These fucking unimaginative regressive vengeful idiots - they just ripped off ODS and CDS and tried to make it a thing during donvict’s first term, and then, ironically had such a case of BDS under Biden [1].
Now the bootlicks want to enshrine “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (not a real thing) into law?
[1] ODS, CDS and BDS are and were actual things on the right, though. They kept claiming that these milquetoast center-right Democratic presidents were tyrannical, were going to take their guns, create death panels, bring about a Marxist regime, that qons were being “censored” (lol), and so on…that’s some serious derangement.
We live in a world where people worship a businessman/politician as the literal second coming of their messiah, but “Trump Derangement Syndrome” refers to people who are critical of a convicted felon who openly ran for office to kill further prosecutions against him
We need one to counter and call it the Koolaid Cooperation Clause
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) (noun) - An irrational and unwavering devotion to Donald Trump, characterized by blind loyalty, the dismissal of any criticism as fake news or conspiracy, and an inability to acknowledge his flaws or contradictions.
Subd. 28. Trump Derangement Syndrome.
“Trump Derangement Syndrome” means the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal persons that is in reaction to the policies and presidencies of President Donald J. Trump. Symptoms may include Trump-induced general hysteria, which produces an inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and signs of psychic pathology in President Donald J. Trump’s behavior.
Psychic pathology is a phrase that could go in several directions.
Just like in Soviet Union under Stalin.
Not really, abuse of the mental asylums like this mostly happened after Stalin’s death. Under Stalin, you were simply thrown into the Gulag system.
American asylums weren’t exactly shining beacons of human rights during that period either. JFK’s sister had her frontal lobe scraped until she could no longer repeat the lyrics of a song because she said problematic things as a woman.
This is PROOF that Republicans LOVE Freedom and are NOT Snowflakes or Fascists!
I know it’s tough, but just try to breathe evenly, look out the window for a while. It’ll soon pass. Don’t give up the fight!
It’s important to note the police are currently the people who bring individuals in for the 72hr mental health holds.
I think it is also important to note that it appears many of these officers are not wearing Level IV plates daily, and plainclothes cops may not be wearing any vest at all.
It’s also important to note that they’re planning on introducing gun control for people considered to be mentally ill. They are going to declare every antifascist mentally ill, and use it to take their guns away.
They don’t need to introduce anything, involuntary commitment is already a question on form 4473 and something a NICS check would flag.
Of course, they would still need to physically retrieve any firearms they may have. Unless they planned on handing them over peacefully.
I’m sorry, I lost all my firearms in an unfortunate boating accident.
Which is why I roll my eyes everyone those Dems mentions “Gun Control”.
Armed Minorities are harder to oppress.
Dems are part of the system and are not our allies.
This process is already able to be abused to swat people, and the conditions are horrible for the people being held. I’ve seen it as a MH worker. It’s not a hospital, it’s a jail. There is no treatment, only observation in cells. It’s deeply traumatizing and corrupt. Coercion to get people to sign into voluntary programs ($) in order to be released, or they extend their hold. The whole thing is a travesty.
U guys remember that scene in Schindler’s List where the little girl is screaming “Good bye you Jews!” To all the families as they are being marched off to a slave labor camp? Well this is how that sorta shit starts. Make the opposition the demon and get away with anything.
This is indeed how that sorta shit starts.
Worse, Americans also seem to have forgotten how to make that sort of shit end. Everyone agreed on what to do with Nazis 80 years ago.
You mean import the upper level Nazis into America ala Operation Paperclip?
Everyone certainly did not agree. A very sizable segment of US citizens were Nazi sympathizers before and after WWII. Remember what it took for the United States to get involved in the war effort in the first place.
What is wrong with people that they would rather live under the boot of dollar-store Hitler than in a tolerant society of people just getting on with life?
They want people to suffer.
Evil. The word you’re looking for is evil.
They believe the propaganda that others hate them or are trying to destroy their way of life, and that dollar-store Hitler is their champion fighting for them.
They believe that bullshit against all common sense and by very deliberately ignoring any kind of evidence. Fascists are always assholes first and the fascism just serves to rationalize their shitty behaviour.
very deliberately ignoring any kind of evidence
These are people that believe in an old beard in the sky. They’re not ignoring evidence, they’re mentally incapable of processing it. There’s a good majority of Americans that literally don’t know how to think, that think dumb ignorance is somehow cute and forgivable, that believe anything they’re told because “look at his suit.”
They believe hierarchies are natural and unavoidable, so anything to make sure they aren’t on the bottom. Anyone that can push lower on the hierarchy naturally means they are higher.
They are kept isolated and ignorant by class warfare under an undermined education system, geographically and social media algorithm bubbled, have severely limited economic prospects, exposed to childhood religious indoctrination, and have normalized extreme right wing propaganda.
They believe their small town and rural economic hardships aren’t self inflicted due to lack of unions & solidarity under worker strikes & holding local politicians accountable, and take out their anger on other working class and poor people because they feel justified by their suffering to inflict suffering on their perceived perpetrators.
In pop culture references it’s Megatron feeling justified to destroy all autobots because he was deceived by a wealthy autobot leader to slave in the energon mines.
That’s what I don’t get. Like, why can’t we just all get on with our lives, help those you have it worse than us, and work together on a better future for our children?
But no, there’s a bunch of narcissistic assholes amassing wealth and convincing the other wannabe narcissists that everyone is out to get them.
I have a small kid and have no clue how to explain to him what the fuck was going on in right now when he’s old enough to ask. I just don’t get it. It makes me sad, and helpless, and anxious, and I just don’t want to have anything to do with the rest of society. And I don’t even live in the USA but am solid upper middle class in Scandinavia.
Hello fellow Scandinavian
I share your worries, I truly think we’re going to have war at our doorsteps sooner or later, and I don’t really know what to do about it (beyond I guess, preparing mostly self-sufficient communities of like-minded individuals capable of self-defense, but yeah…)
It’s definitively scary
Lack of empathy. Fear that they are fed. Hate for different people. Sense of superiority over people who have even less than them. Total lack of responsibility. Religion.
Lot of people here need to get informed and get a grip. Just because a bill is introduced doesn’t mean it will be passed. The overwhelming majority of bills that are introduced don’t pass. And this is in one state, not federal. And if the legislature passed it the governor may veto it, and it would certainly face legal challenge.
I get that everything sucks right now and it feels like we’re getting attacked on every front. I get the administration is doing illegal stuff. We’re in for a rough time. Still: don’t give them power by acting like every idea they bring up is likely, or possible. This bill is just trolling, it’s so some nobody state level legislators will have a bullet point in their newsletter and a social media post.
Lot of people here need to get informed and get a grip. Just because a bill is introduced doesn’t mean it will be passed.
But it absolutely means that republicans want to do it and will keep working at it until they accomplish it or something similar. And democrats will probably fucking go along with it because of course they will.
While this may be true, most floods start with a single drop of rain.
It can’t happen here…until it does
You are, of course, correct. That said, the level of enforcement happening on illegal acts and judicial orders says it may not matter.
It’s a mess right now. So keeping an eye is good.
You’re missing the point. This shit drags the Overton window to the right every time.
They are testing the limits and normalizing this shit at the same time.
It doesn’t pass… Until it does. Then what.