A federal judge criticized a Trump administration Justice Department lawyer who claimed they didn’t have to follow the judge’s oral order blocking deportations to El Salvador because it wasn’t in writing.
Judge Boasberg questioned why the administration ignored his directive to return immigrants to the US. The DOJ lawyer repeatedly refused to provide information about the deportations, citing “national security concerns.”
Frustrated, Boasberg ordered sworn declarations explaining what happened, quipping that he would issue a written order “since apparently my verbal orders don’t seem to carry much weight.”
They feel that they can ignore it because they can ignore it. Stop letting them!
How do they do that? Their enforcers work for Trump.
Wahoo it’s-a me Luigi
The US Marshalls don’t, I thought.
You’re right, thank you.
US Marshals are under DoJ.
They can deputize citizens to carry out the orders too
Then if the deputies fail you start sheriffizing people.
Nah, you just start deputizing more effective people. Like ex special forces
Sheriffs are usually elected, not appointed. It’s one of the big reasons decriminalization is so difficult; No elected cop wants to look soft on crime, because their opponents can use it against them in smear campaigns during the next election.
Well considering Republicans control every branch of government, they’re assuming they can and will get away with it. Even if this goes up to SCOTUS, the conservative justices will let them do what they want. One of them will “dissent” though to try to make it seem like they don’t agree. They’re probably behind closed doors playing rock, paper, scissors to see who “dissents” each time a hot button topic gets up to them.
Also didn’t the Supreme Court just rule that you can’t charge the president for crimes made in their official capacity? He can just say it was in his official capacity to ignore the orders so tough titties.
That doesn’t mean his actions would stand, it just means he can’t be prosecuted for it.
If he fires someone and it’s ruled illegal, they get their job back or some very large settlement.
Deported people would be able to return etc.