As investment, I bought this, instead of stocks. Any ideas on what to do with it?
- 75km (1hr) to a big international airport. Airport has direct flights to most EU capitals (2-4hr flights)
- 50km to city center
- 25km from nearest large residential area (500,000+ population)
- 5km from massive organized industrial area (government supports factories here)
- 35km from a rich residential area
- 1km away from the village (its old and mostly depopulated) and animal husbandry area
- There is public transportation, but one has to walk 1.5km after leaving the bus.
- There is no direct road access to the land. You have to walk like 200m after leaving your car.
- 1km road to here is non-asphalt and its a bit bumpy ride. When it rains, it gets bad here. It rains rarely
It is quite peaceful and quiet there. You can hear interesting bird sounds sometimes. You see no buildings, no cars and no humans anywhere near you when you’re there, which feels great imo. You notice the air quality after you leave your car. I personally absolutely would want to live here for a while
- Trying to clarify this rn, but I think I can make $120-160/yr/decare from leasing the land to a farmer. Land is 25 decares
- “Unique co-living opportunity with vegan food & yoga sessions” In other words, remote work / digital nomad village for people who want to work REALLY remotely :) I’d have to arrange electricity (solar panels and powerbanks), internet, toilet, shower, water, tents, mattresses/pillows/sheets, food, drinking water. (Though I don’t know what people will do when they’re bored here? Any ideas? Meditation would get boring after some point)
- Sadly location isn’t touristic, but it is 1hr flight away from extremely touristic areas. One of those areas, a city, was the most visited city in the world a few years ago.
- I’ve met a few volunteers and they seemed quite willing to volunteer for whatever I decide to do here (if I do anything). For those unfamiliar: WWOOF and Workaway
Also- Any suggestions on where I should ask this question on the internet?
If you build it
They will come
What will people do there? The same thing people have done for 10,000 years. Alcohol, sex, and games.
I couldn’t tell you what to do with it but if I move to europe I will work on your commune and help with whatever as long as you’ll have me lol
25 decares is a lot of land, you could have an entire city there. If the land is viable for farming you could allot enough of it to produce whatever you would need to sustain the population of the property, and have the rest of the place developed into living spaces and recreational areas like you said. A sports park, little golf course, botanical gardens, animal sanctuaries. Thats stuff for citizens to do besides meditate.
I mean, this is a real opportunity to create generational prosperity not just for you but for everyone who is involved in building it up. I hope that, whatever happens, you keep it safe from people who would see it turned into more wealthy suburbs or a cash crop operation that kills the soil in a generation.
Good luck to you on your journey and, again, I’d be thrilled to be a part of it
Dude I would homestead the shit out of that. Better be careful or they’ll have a bunch of lemmings (Lemmy nerds?) show up with a trowel and high hopes.
I, too, have used lemmings as a term to describe users here and I think it’s cute and endearing. We can decide as a group once we’re all at this guys property lmao
Pine trees for pulp wood? Pickle ball court?
Tbh, starting a sustainable timber operation seems like a pretty good idea if you can afford to wait 15-20 years for the investment to start to pay off. Idk, I guess you could offer it as a camp/hunting ground in the meanwhile.
If you do a permaculture Arrangements you can really diversify while you wait for the trees to grow up, although by then they might be more valuable alive than dead especially if you pick the species to benefit the whole permaculture system
Annually or sometime a couple times a year, rake the pine straw, have it bailed, then sell it to folks doing landscaping or have someone pay you for the right to do that.
In Georgia, roughly 100 acres of pine trees sell for around $1.5mil to $2mil when they are ready for harvest which is 15 to 20 years.
Serious answer. A outdoor area surrounded by casinos. Walking/biking areas only. You’ll need investment from builders. But you build it, they will come.
But ditch the casinos. They ruin lives.
Dirt farming
Regenerative Agriculture / Permaculture
If you plan to lease out to a farmer, find one that won’t fill it with herbicides and pesticides. And maybe look to only lease part of it while you work to recover other parts.
I’m looking to buy land that needs to be recovered and have the budget that will likely lead me to a place like this that doesn’t have direct road access. Good luck!
What does VISA sponsorship require? Maybe you could setup a farm/agrarian business and offer VISA sponsorship for migrants. As an American, I’d consider becoming a farmer with the opportunity to become an EU citizen lol probably not easy to do for a reason though.
I feel like solar farming was a good suggestion from someone else. Maybe plant some trees if you’re not keen on making it a farm. If you can get it zoned, you might be able to get investment for residential? Though public transportation is lacking, maybe you could be the start of a small apartment complex or something like that. Idk much about this kind of thing.
Start a cult
If I knew how I’d already have a cult of my own. I hear being charismatic is a prerequisite
But first you need the idea. I’d say leftwing based religious science compatible apocalyptics is an untapped market. So basically make a bunker commune for societal collapse based on climate change and say all the current right wing politicians are demons accelerating it to bring upon hell on earth, and that oil is the devil’s blood.
Just off the top of my head that’s an idea.
There’s a significant number of Evangelicals who believe “Left Behind” is predictive of the future rather than being a super anti-semitic take on the Christian end times. Those idiots are accelerating the end times in hopes of being saved. You don’t need demons you already have these racist dummies.
Parking Lot
I thought you bought a picture at first
Infungible Plot of Land
I just funged it. You’ll never get me, coppers.
God damnit, Johnson, he keeps funging it! We’ve got to find this guy!
If you’re thinking yoga retreats etc, I’d consider building an Earthship or two first. They’re totally eco-friendly, almost hobbit-like buildings. They fit the vibe and would give you a base of operations for future plans.
Couple ideas:
- Sit on it. It’ll just passively build value over time
- See if any cell service providers want to setup towers. They provide passive income as well, monthly
Sit on it.
It’s been three hours… Bored now, can I get up?
Be a farmer. Don’t try to profit off of landholding - that’s for leeches. You don’t want to be a leech, do you?
OP and the land would both be better off with an experienced farmer doing the farming. At least for the upcoming growing season. But they should have an ethical contract, like a percentage of profit rather than a leech lease.
What if the farmer is skilled and wants to keep 100% of the profits above a cheap fixed lease?
Edible forest