So we are more worried about the privacy communications instead of how we are bombing Yemen. Great. Fantastic.
So we are more worried about the privacy communications instead of how we are bombing Yemen. Great. Fantastic.
I took one college course and couldn’t handle it. On top of that I was the weird student that wanted to use a Mac instead of the school’s own computers. So anytime I had a problem, the teacher would just blame me using Xcode instead of Visual Studio.
My grandfather helped me purchase the car I have. At one point he was arguing with the salesperson and I got uncomfortable.
Except, they legally can’t do that everywhere. Many states have laws against direct sales. Doubt they’ll let third-party dealerships do any of the work.
I don’t understand this. Anyways, how’s your sex life?
It would be hilarious if some judge deems this order illegal because the Secretary can’t do what the order calls for if it means they have no department to run.
That is something that might make Kurt roll over in his grave.
Why are non-European countries even allowed to participate?
Bro, that song is about a child being born.
Anyone wondering what a “good” president in Philippines looks like, I was made (as a U.S. born Pinoy) to understand this: celebrities go into government because they are celebrities. In my family we used to joke that at the height of Justin Bieber’s popularity, he would get elected if he was Filipino. Just wanted to contrast things.
No joke, Manny Pacquiao was a senator at one time.
Which is?
EDIT: The current government at the time of his death didn’t even want him transported back to the country. He had been in Hawaii for medical treatment. Eventually he got put in a mausoleum. In 2016 when he finally did get a burial, that sparked protest. If you think something other than ex-president can be used as a more appropriate label, I would like to know.
Have you actually been through the Canal? I have been on a cruise that went through it. It takes hours. That is some slow ass war if I’ve ever heard of one.
Yes I would. It is free.
Got tetanus updated. Apparently that was recommended on my last medical checkup.
I am unable to find a news report now, but I am certain I read one back in 2018 or 2019. I believe that Conservation International (an organization that helped develop the C.A.F.E. standard the company uses) was discovered covering up the certification of one of the farms in Brazil. As I remember reading, that a farm was at the time listed somewhere as being certified but after slave labor was discovered, CI uncertified the farm and attempted to claim it failed to meet the C.A.F.E. standards, thus never was awarded certification. They weren’t saying the certification was revoked; it never had any.
Here are three different reports regarding three different instances in Brazil. https://news.mongabay.com/2019/05/slave-labor-found-at-second-starbucks-certified-brazilian-coffee-farm/
Here is one on the Guatemala incident. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/mar/01/children-work-for-pittance-to-pick-coffee-beans-used-by-starbucks-and-nespresso
So I guess you don’t mind having to bury it if it catches fire, because they reach insane temperatures. Or the fact that raccoons think they are dumpsters.
Well with Tesla, that was a lawsuit. He was being sued and due to the outcome, board members became co-founders. Legally Musk is considered a co-founder of Tesla.