An online course founded by far-right influencer Andrew Tate was breached by hackers, revealing the email addresses of roughly 325,000 users.
The self-described online university, known as The Real World, offers users “advanced training and mentoring” for around $50 per month. Formerly known as Hustler’s University, the platform focuses on topics such as health and fitness, financial investment, and e-commerce businesses.
“Money making is a skill,” the website states. “We will teach you how to master it.”
On Thursday, the hackers made their actions known by flooding the course’s primary chatroom with emojis they uploaded while Tate was streaming an episode of his show “Emergency Meeting” on Rumble.
The emojis included a transgender flag, a feminist fist, an AI-generated image of Tate draped in a rainbow flag, another where his buttocks are enlarged, and the cat character used in the “boykisser” meme.
This feels like a 4chan anonymous thing.
A University a.k.a. “Buy this ebook to make money online!” and the contents are “Just resell this Ebook lol”.
Ha ha.
See, this is what the Matt Gaetz hacker would do if they actually had it
The Daily Dot was provided with approximately 794,000 usernames for what are believed to be the site’s current and former members, as well as the contents of the platform’s 221 public and 395 private chat servers. […] The Real World claims it currently has over 113,000 active users. If accurate, the site at minimum would generate upwards of $5,650,000 every month.
Jesus, why is this bullshit that large?
Idiots falling for authoritarian charisma is one of the oldest things on this planet.
Idiots falling for authoritarian charisma
so hot right now
They said capitalism breeds innovation. They just didn’t specify what kind of innovation.
It’s always bend you over and take it kind though
Money laundering.
I mean, that’s about one moderately sized cities worth of people out of probably most of the world, since I assume they don’t only serve US customers
Edit: for context the state of Nebraska, famously the least populous state in the union has about 1.9 million residents
I sometimes work for a guy who thinks women shouldn’t be allowed to vote. He’s genuinely kind, but not at all academic. It is entirely the fault of low-effort internet bullshit like this. It’s actually very upsetting to see somebody poisoned by social media in real-time.
I think if you ask people why enough times and just say that doesn’t make sense, they find the flaw in their own poor judgments
Yeah, no. People don’t work that way. Once people have adopted these kinds of beliefs that are overtly divorced from reality, telling them that their views don’t make sense usually just hardens their convictions. Being told that they are wrong comes across as evidence that they are right. It validates the “they don’t want you to know this” mentality of people who choose various “red pill” social philosophies.
I guess I just don’t meet that type of person enough. It could also be that many social media accounts are bots or agents, so there was never any chance of convincing them of anything, or any expectation of reasonable behavior
I’m sorry you have to work for him, and I’m doubly sorry for any women who have to work with him. He’s not genuinely kind. It doesn’t take an academic to see half the human population as humans deserving of the same rights as the other half.
I agree about how upsetting it’s been though. My neigbour and I used to share bbq over the fence and shoot the shit about his life. Now he’s got crazy eyes and legit thinks and says that my wife and I are evil witches (and whatever qanonsense his feed fed him yesterday). I miss the peace I had in my own backyard pre-2016, but here we are.
btw, a lot of effort goes into the misogynist fascist takeover of our public spaces (including online). None of this just happened because (for example, one genesis myth is) low income white boys were bored on the internet. They’ve been groomed for hate and it’s all deliberate.
It is entirely the fault of low-effort internet bullshit like this.
People like Andrew Tate deserve part of the blame for propagating this kind of message, sure. But your client who thinks women shouldn’t be allowed to vote is a bad person, and his moral failing is entirely his own. He doesn’t deserve pity because he’s uneducated and falling for propaganda. He’s a sexist piece of shit who thinks women deserve fewer rights than men. Don’t make up excuses for him. He’s a grown man with agency over himself. He chose his path.
I don’t really believe in free will, so I take a different position to you regarding individual moral failings. He’s obviously confused, and I’m glad I can offer the occasional course correction. If I didn’t have compassion, that wouldn’t be possible.
Group think and tribalism is very powerful. I used to be a Trump supporter and I remember thinking about how women were more likely to vote for progressive candidates with the conclusion that perhaps they shouldn’t be doing that. I now very deeply regret being part of that and I’m so grateful I broke free of all that nonsense. Monkey see, monkey do is very true. That’s why it’s important that our leaders demonstrate good behavior and set a good example for everyone.
These hackers have fantastic values, and the effort they put into this made the world a slightly better place. Good on em.
(next on the block: Jordan Peterson’s School for Very Logical Manbabies)
This fucking guy has an online university? Really?
Doesn’t every grifter have their own griftiversity?
Yeah, I suppose they do.
Just noticed, even the logo reeks of petty swindle.
In this day and age, he would have used AI to make the logo.
He has a website where you can pay to hear him yell at you.
No he has an “educational” program he calls a university.
If everyone on that list was closely monitored from here, probably the end of school shootings.
Hi mom I just enrolled in the university of a guy who traffics sex slaves and thinks all women should be one
Their case against him is falling apart. I dont like rapist like everyone else but I hate when innocent people are charged with bogus crimes.
If you have a son you should be worried as well! Im scared for my son in this crazy world!
If you have a son you should be worried as well! Im scared for my son in this crazy world!
My fucking sides! 🤣
If you had a son you wouldn’t be laughing. We use to protect our girls from the boys but now its the opposite.
Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to be this detached from reality.
I pity you.
Thats the same way i feel about you. This shit happens all the time… you just ignore it?
I think you need to touch some grass bro
Nothing in that article indicates the case is “falling apart”. Stop grasping at straws to justify your misogyny.
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Romaine of all places… I would know coming from a similar country where money has much much much higher weight than justice, even for foreigners. Would like to see him trialed in the UK or USA (where money & power still matters but probably much more than what he owns).
I would argue that money put the tate brothers in prison 2x times. The case is falling apart and the worst part if those ladies lied to get him in trouble they will suffer no jail time for their fraudulent claims. Thats the real crime!
If you say “the case is falling apart enough times,” it probably becomes the truth.
dont tell me he is your role model
The real crime right here is your awful grammar
When I start making too much sense people always want to change the subject.
My mom is maga so she would probably be proud
It’s extra sad when women get sucked into the maga cult
And Latinos. And African Americans.
Can we just say anyone with a pulse?
Nah, white supremacists and rich people are exempt
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
That many people, actually signed up, and gave him money.
That’s a lot of fucking Darwin awards.
how else could he own 10 buggatis and a huge mansion
Wonder what percentage of them are barely voter-age teens who voted for Trump. These idiots are gifting their money to these grifters, and then turn around to complain that they don’t have any money because >insert minority<.
They are taught to few the world as a zero sum game. What they do not realise is that they are the losers.
Darwin awards are just for dying, though?
*removing yourself from the gene pool
Death is not required.
True, good point!
Exactly my thought… Tate’s U a scam, duh obviously… But god damn… that many suckers.
You’ve witnessed the US election recently, yes? I’m not exactly surprised.
He had an online university? Was it CHUD-U?
worried for all my favorite youtubers who signed up in order to expose how shit the content is lol. hope they used fake info.