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[…] raw milk […]
I’d support raw milk being legal for consumers to purchase so long as the manufacturers of said raw milk could be held to account for harm caused to a consumer who purchased it under the belief that it was safe — likely, this would also mean that, if it isn’t safe, the product containing raw milk must otherwise display explicit warnings. I think a person should be allowed to take take their own risks.
And parents are held responsible if they give it to kids
Insurance should also not need to cover sickness caused by it
And parents are held responsible if they give it to kids
Imo, only if it can be proven that the parent is being willfully negligent regarding the safety the child.
Also, if a product that claimed to be safe, but actually wasn’t, was purchased and given to the child, then this responsibility should fall on the producer only.
Insurance should cover everyone for everything and should remain affordable for all.
Not if you’re drinking raw milk
What is it with this americans aversion for raw milk, it’s not like you’ll fall down dead if you drink it.
Do you also burn your salmon and cook your meat?
In france there are lots of cheese (no really?) and many are forbidden for import to the USA because of stuff like raw milk. Guess that’s why we have the watch coming by getting all the dead babies every tuesday.
Maybe I’m missing something, please do enlighten me!
I also think insurance shouldn’t cover cancer treatment for smokers. Or diabetes treatment for overweight people. Or broken bones for skiers. Or literally anything for anyone who has ever done anything bad for them. /s
Why shouldn’t they be able to sue cigarette companies or companies releasing unsafe products?
Why should my insurance be higher whilst cigarette companies are benefiting off their shit marketing
One reason why people have historically had trouble suing tobacco companies is that non-smokers also get lung cancer. While we can say for sure that smoking makes it more likely you will get lung cancer, it’s generally impossible to say any one person’s lung cancer was caused by smoking. This is in contrast to say, someone who injures themselves climbing, where it is definitely 100% on them.
The real answer of course is that you’re paying for it either way. Insured people pay absurdly over the odds to offset the amount of money lost on people who accrue medical debt and can’t afford to pay it off.
What if a child were given raw milk by their parents? Should a child be forced to pay for their parents’ decisions, potentially with their life?
Look up. That’s why I said parents should be held responsible for serving it to kids
Apparently now conservatism is just constantly relitigating every minor perceived slight.
For the most part, liberals have moved past the fact that these assholes held the country hostage and killed a million people throwing their tantrum.
Meanwhile, conservatives are like “we haven’t forgotten that you made fun of us for the horse dewormer thing.”
Disinformation coming out of the FDA is a real issue though, it’s just that RFK isn’t exactly the person we should want trying to fix it. His list covers the entire spread from significant real issues to batshit crazy conspiracy theory, leaning heavily towards the latter.
It’s notable that the areas in most need of reform were all broken by conservative politicians.
He’s not conservative.
Yup none of these people in Trump’s purview are actively trying to conserve the rate of change.
They should not be labeled conservative by anyone any longer.
Yeah. They were pretty adamant lefties were easily triggered a few years ago
Now they believe lefties are destroying the environment, and are having a temper tantrum over a lie as stupid as people eating pets told by a guy who lies about everything
That’s okay I’m going to be eating popcorn in Chicago well Florida gets drowned by climate change. And I seriously can’t wait for that day.
In all likelihood you will be too busy with the flooding, the heatwave, or the tornados.
People forget climate change is going to affect nearly every corner of society. There will be very little safe haven and overcrowding in those spared the most.
The region of Tennessee and North Carolina that was devastated by Helene was considered one of the climate safe havens.
any weed for us peons!!!
im okay with ending the war on psychedelics though.
not for everyone but also not worth hunting and jailing people for.
fuck off with all the pseudoscientific garbage.
The god damn FDA and its war on…
…checks notes…
Sunshine and Exercise!
Time to dust off the ol’ snake oil dancing shoes!!
Oh no it’s the Sun everybody run inside -the FDA probably
By that he means sunning his arsehole, of course. Great excuse for exposing yourself to minors.
As if! That would violate the proscription on exercise!
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I think we should take full advantage of this opportunity. Ok, here we go.
“Robert F Kennedy Jr Is a 👶🗡️BABY MURDERER👶🗡️!!! He thinks people should inject 💉themselves with stem cells which is just a Demoncrat code name for little bits of 💀unborn baby💀! 👏President Trump 👏 is appointing a pro-choice Demoncrat 👹 BABY MURDERER to head up the FDA !! Pass it on and tell PRESIDENT Trump to not appoint ☠️BABY MURDER RFK JR ☠️ to run the FDA.”
How am I doing so far?
Edit: Facebookified it a bit.
Louder and without all that pesky grammar. More clap emojis and unhinged emotional language.
Ask and you shall receive.
Art imitates life.
They’re suppressing my ability to digest food?
Don’t give me hope RFK. Like you’re really gonna legalize psychedelics for therapy.
It would suck for the rubes who can be fooled into taking poison, but it would be kinda based if RFK just legalized everything. Reality might turn to shit, but at least we can get high however we want!
Being able to grow mushrooms legally would be fucking sick and would make the next four years a bit less shitty.
I wonder how hard it will be to tell the good stuff from the poison. Depending on just how unregulated they go, labels might not even match contents.
Probably easier than now considering the decrease in stigma and increased impetus for testing as well as elimination of the black market.
I’m not even talking about the fun drugs, but things like a bottle of vitamin supplements, over the counter, or prescription medication. Sure, you can test a batch, but will that mean testing one pill out of each bottle? Or could consistency drop enough that one pill might not say much about the others in the bottle?
Will testing resources get stretched to the point where many won’t be able to afford them if we’ll need to test each bottle of pills we buy to make sure the producer didn’t just stick a nice label on lead pills to make a quick buck and disappear in the night before the fallout?
That was the context of this conversation though. The original comment was about legalizing/decriminalization of psychs, and the reply that you originally responded to was about legalizing (one would assume based on the subject matter) other recreational drugs.
That’s fair and to be clear, I wasn’t intending to contradict what you were saying but to clarify the scope of my comment was intended to be “anything in a package with a label where you trust that the contents match the label”.
I doubt that. Erasing stigma is an important step in researching these drugs. Reclassification so that they are accessable for research is another. However, proper regulation is required so that you know what you’re getting and in the right dosage. The incoming administration want more deregulation. That will mean that quality of supply will be less reliable.
We are still dealing with increaing outbreaks of foodborne illness because of deregulation from the last Trump government. And this affects more than just Americans. I’m in Canada, but because we import food from the US, we are also exposed to these illnesses. My immunocompromised sister had a bout of listeria from food that she should have been able to trust. (I can’t remember which food at the moment). I still have granola bars in my home that I haven’t disposed of yet which were part of a separate recall.
Proper regulation works quietly for the average person. When it’s working correctly, you don’t notice the myriad of ways that you’re kept safe every day. It’s when it fails that we notice.
Illegal drugs are already a black market and that’s the context of this reply thread. Feel free to reread it if need be. Nowhere did I say that I agree with RFK’s approach broadly as you seem to imply. The comment I made was clearly about illegal drugs, responding to a reply thread about legalization of illegal (recreational) drugs.
And my comment is that, with deregulation, you probably won’t be sure about the content, quality, or dosage of legal drugs. If it were properly regulated, you’d be safe.
Also, nowhere did I imply that you agree with his approach. You asked a question and I answered it. I don’t have any opinion about your opinion about him. I gave you my opinion about him, the incoming administration, and the upcoming fallout.
Please go find where I asked a question.
No, he won’t. Or he might, ostensibly, but they will never be propery researched and they will never be properly regulated, so you won’t really know what you’re getting or how it should be administered, so good luck with that.
The only thing you can reliably count on with the incoming administration is that whatever they are doing, they are doing to make themselves and their friends wealthier, at the expense of the rest of the public. Unfortunately, that doesn’t only mean finacial expense.
I predict he will be unseated within a year
He won’t be confirmed
Hope you’re right
Don’t underestimate the nihilism of the Republican party.
The FDA’s policies have faced significant criticism for jeopardizing consumer safety. For instance:
Drug Approval Issues: Fast-track approvals have introduced drugs with limited evidence of safety, such as Aduhelm for Alzheimer’s, which showed little benefit but posed risks. Harmful drugs are often slow to be withdrawn from the market.
Food Safety Loopholes: The GRAS designation allows companies to self-certify food additives without FDA oversight. Substances like potassium bromate, linked to cancer and banned internationally, remain in U.S. foods due to regulatory gaps.
Industry Influence: Close ties between FDA leaders and corporations raise concerns about conflicts of interest and impartiality in decision-making.
Weak Post-Market Oversight: The FDA lacks resources to monitor and act on safety issues after products are on the market, leaving harmful substances in circulation.
Some decision-makers should be held accountable for actions or policies that have negatively impacted public health and safety. A comprehensive overhaul of the food system is urgently needed to prioritize transparency, improve nutritional standards, and ensure consumer well-being.
I think it’s hilarious that you think that the guy with the worm eaten brain is going to fix any of that.
Oh and one of the biggest problems with the FDA is its lack of personnel. And this asshole is threatening the fire most of them. Don’t think the next 4 years are going to be a better FDA. It’s going to be an absolute shit show and rather than putting safeguards in place this dipshit’s going to be removing them left and right. Because that’s what the right wing wants, less regulation is the watchword of the Republican party and always has been.
I hate to break it to you but the FDA has always been a shit show! Change is good!
Hate to break it you, but installing a conspiracy theorist anti vaxxer isn’t the change you’re looking for.
At this point I dont care who runs the FDA. My son can do a better job! When has the FDA been great??? Thats right never! You know they approve cancer chemicals in our food that its illegal in the rest of the world. Yet you are concerned with some one who is looking to eliminate it??
“It’s never been good, so let’s just break it even more!”
Removing chemicals from our food is breaking it more???
Their eating the chemicals! Their eating the compounds!
Thanks chatgpt!
Thanks brain!
Start growing your own food, boil rain water for clean water, and avoid close contact with others for the next four years then? Can’t wait to hear about all the cases of preventable diseases, contaminated foods, and new, deadly viruses we get introduced to once these clowns take over…
If they break that infrastructure the long term impact won’t be immediately evident, which means the impetus to fix it will match that of climate change.
And last way longer than 4 yrs. Took Biden 3 yrs to fix Trumps fucked up economy.
Lol Biden didn’t fix shit
Can’t wait for the war on sunshine to end!
He’s going to ban sunscreen isn’t he
Big Sun will get its day in the … eh sun.
The solar panels are sucking all the energy from the sun and not allowing anyone else to use it.
Ackchyually, I think you’ll find it’s Donald Trump sucking up all the sunlight and injecting it directly into people’s veins
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Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
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aka, the horse paste Trump pushed on us during the covid outbreak.