I’m an alpha male: barely able to keep myself running and likely to completely break down if I encounter something I’m not prepared to deal with.
Damn, too early of a release eh?
I also have a memory leak.
Limited release to the world.
And not suitable for public release, obviously
I’m a Google Beta.
I am effectively immortal, but I will probably someday disappear without notice.
Don’t worry, your features “will be incorporated in future releases of our latest chat client and our Gmail.”
I’m a beta-lactam antibiotic.
Good for many tasks, but rapidly becoming useless.
I was stable release several years ago. Now I have security issues but some folks still think I’m awesome.
Just try not to leave the few remaining people who depend on you, up shit creek. Get a will.
They’ll leave a promise that other people will fill the roles they used to without any current plan to do so.
As a lambda male, this doesn’t faze me at all.
I am the hope of the omniverse
I am the lightbulb in the darkness
I am the bacon in the fridge for all living things that cry out in hunger
I am the alpha and the amiga
I am the terror that flaps in the night
I am Son Goku and I am a Super Saiyan!
Get in there and eat that horse!
I, too, love Haskell
Oh, hi Gordon.
Carrots improve eyesight…nah, just military misinformation that is now a staple for parents to get their kids to eat their carrots
Vitamin A is crucial to eyesight and night vision though
But not everyone can make vitamin A out of beta carotene. That’s why some vegans have eye problems
And not everyone can digest lactose, maybe that’s why some people become vegan
You also get vitamin A (and the other fat soluble vitamins) from animal fats
Entirely offtopic but you’re not by chance the same ryannathans that’s involved in the 2009scape project are you?
The one and the same
Hey small world (wide web)!
I’m an alpha male. If you study me in captivity I will display downright unnatural behavior.
Despite all my rage, I’m still just a rat in a cage.
There are species that do have leader types in the social hierarchies though. Gorillas for example, or orcas.
The problem is that you can’t use info about wolf hierarchies to draw conclusions about human hierarchies. You can’t even use info about extant primates to draw conclusions about humans.
But, but… Apes together strong?
Everyone has a share!
Thanks Milo!
It makes more sense when we assume it’s software development terminology instead. Alpha means the software is immature and full of issues.
I am a release candidate male.
Hello ladies, I’m legacy code nobody wants to refactor and is being slowly converted into microservices.
I think of myself as code-complete but not necessarily bug-free.
I am about v4.1 right now
I am a minimum viable product male
I too am a release candidate, but my marketing sucks.
I think I might be a vertical slice…
Well, I am a god damn mess as a person. So I’m like pre-alpha. I guess that makes me a proof of concept, or maybe even a thought exercise.
I’m Concord. Only out for a week and then swept under the rug like I never existed.
I’m barely a proof of concept then. Or minimum viable product. 🙃
I’m just a beta male… they doubt I’m ready for release… but I’m far more stable than any alpha male.
What’s the difference between beta and release candidate?
EA doesn’t know either.
I’m an old version male. I’m out of date but stable and used by people who generally know what they’re doing and don’t want something new that’ll likely blow up in their face.
I wonder if this discourse sounds hilarious to a Greek person wondering why Angloids keep referring to themselves by letters of their alphabet.
- languages evolve, and the origin is nothing more than a curio today. People use the term “alpha” to mean a thing that exists in humans, even if it never did in wolves.
- this thing is called by the rest of the population “being and asshole” and as such i find the self identification of those people very usefull and time saving.
Does it exist in humans, though? I’m fairly certain that it remains pseudoscientific in humans as well as wolves.Oh, wait, I read point two. I stand corrected.
Shut the fuck up, omega
No /s come at me mods
(Not really though)
Guys, can’t we all just get along. You’re upsetting the Gammas.
I’m Zeta Maxx
Hhyeah yes Daddy Alpha, I’ll be quiet for you UwU~
Screw alpha males, I’m an alpha woman with a thing for omega soft guys. 🥰
omega soft
I can definitely manage that.
Omega soft
The next step on the Charmin scale those asswiping scientist bears are striving for.
Isn’t that just called a domme?
I’m a male Bonobo, please keep me in line.
Alpha, beta, sigma, all just types of prison bitch. Scientifically speaking.
I’ve heard this debunk a lot over the years, and I don’t disbelieve it, but is it not the case that one or two animals (wolves or otherwise) in a group will be the “bosses” or something close to being dominant over the others? Is all of that internal power struggling we see in groups/families of animals not really what it seems? Or is the “alpha” stuff different from that? Or does it only apply to wolves, and “alphas” do exist in other animal species?
Yours, confused and uneducated,
The behaviour initially exhibited and observed were of wolves in captivity (think prison). Once they were observed in the wild, the theory fell apart. Caged animals act differently, just like people.
You can sorta see the alpha thingamajig in hyenas. The chick with the biggest clit gets a possy of white knights trying to please her.
But it’s not obligatory. Dudes just chilling together and biting asses can still happen without a chick to lead them on.
Different social animals have different social structures. Wolves generally live in family units, led by the parents. Wasps and gorillas have complicated group politics, with alliances, betrayals and backroom deals. Some primitive ants have a ‘might is right’ system, with the strongest becoming the queen and fighting off challengers. Most ants have a highly democratic system, with decisions made using chemical ‘votes’ (cast by the workers; drones and queens don’t have a say).
Did Schenkel deliberately make up that alpha shit (which would justify calling his paper “bogus”) or was he just bad at research?
From what I’ve heard it’s just bad research. He looked at family units and thought the father was designated as the leader due to size and strength but really he was just a dad.
I was also under the impression that the captive wolves were in mixed- that is forced- packs.
All the fighting that was observed came from that rather than any sort of natural behavior.
To be more precise, Shenkel’s work was discredited by the collective efforts of numerous scientists studying wolf behaviour. Probably the most notable of these was David Mech. His book “The Wolf” was based on Shenkel’s work, and his own research on wolves in captivity, and was really the work that popularized the “alpha” nonsense in the public mind.
After numerous studies of wolves in the wild failed to bear out these conclusions, Mech later concluded that his work was wrong, and got The Wolf removed from publication.
Either you or OP wrote Schenkel wrong.
OP is correct
Imagine if phrenology caught on as the latest pop-culture dipshit trend.
“My bumpy skull means I’m preternaturally predisposed to be polygamous and misogynist, and I’m just looking for a girl who has a compatible set of head bumps.”
“If you can’t handle me at my alimentivenest, you don’t deserve me at my inhabitivenest.”
Well, I’ve got news for you: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/far-right-phrenology-physiognomy-spread-hate-1234808413/
Clearly you’ve stayed away from 4chan and I commend you for it.
so I was in the UK’s largest chain bookstore (Waterstones) on Saturday and I found a phrenology cat
That’s the cutest pseudoscience I’ve ever seen.
I’d get some good hammers and make a (possibly literal) killing as a retrophrenologist…
Isn’t that just sparkling racism?