Hosts the entirety of televised Doctor Who+expanded universe in chronological order. I really want someone who hasn’t seen the show before to watch it this way and post their reactions
Apparently it doesn’t exist anymore but when I randomly came across it, it was so…jarring…I knew my life changed after that.
I use the calculator to compare tire OD when shopping for new ones or changing sizes.
Really informative website from the 90s which was a one-stop-shop for authoritative information about Samurai.
Keep in mind, this was before Wikipedia. Finding high quality information online was much more difficult online in the past, but this was a rare gem.
Anyhow, I was able to use the site for research for a grade school paper, and I can proudly say I got A grade on it.
Thank you for this. It’s so good to see the beautiful, fun energy, of the early internet, still in its original glory.
Ninjas are cool, and by cool I mean totally sweet.
Fat chicks in party hats because your all kids get off my fucking lawn
Our kids are doing what on the lawn?
Yo momma
Of course bb ❣️
Probably gonna be some people who have heard it statistically, but InsaneJournal (one of those LiveJournal sites that popped up when LJ went closed source from what I understand, IDK, never used LJ because I was too young to care).
…is this my time to self-promote? 👉👈
Too many internet joke sites… like the now defunct [recreated here
I’ve shared those here on Lemmy before.
Another vidloop from when I was softmodding Nintendo consoles
Custom Mario Kart wiki I’d love to have Lemmy tourneys if enough are interested.
Websites I have made and host myself. No links, sorry.
One community that passed my feed I recently got an interest in [email protected]
I wonder what dedotated wam kid is doing these days…
Oh you know we know that one.
Does it count if it no longer exists? I miss
No one cares to make a similar website or experience unfortunately.
I know there was still a similar thing running for the /r/trees subreddit last I look. It was /r/treesradio if I remember A really fast dictionary…fast like a ninja. No bs, no ads, no videos, just a really fast dictionary.