The point is that both are terrible and should be imprisoned for their crimes. By saying 'but Trump tho" you’re trying to take the discussw away from condemning Biden in this article about Biden.
Anything you have to support your slightly ridiculous claim?
Also, and I really look forward to this answer: do you think trump will stop all this, give the Palestinians their land back and let them have their own state …? Or do you think he’ll eradicate them, wipe his ass with them while he’s pointing and laughing at them while they’re dying?
Do you really believe that trump will do better than Harris?
Without Biden, Trump and Co. had a pretty fucking decent shot at losing. Sorry, but between his breathtaking hubris for running again, and his inflexibility on Israel, I will never, ever forgive that man. He had one fucking job, and he fucking blew it. Same-sex marriage will be “state by state” by the end of the year, and I will be an old man before my LGBT and female friends and family have their rights restored - and that’s if they have their rights restored.
That is a cost of decades upon the ones I love. I cannot and will not forgive that because he has a “D” next to his name when he did more than any single person to ensure that theocratic fascist cretinous scum with an “R” next to their names got locked into power.
Biden has his faults, sure, but Trump & co are on such another level that it’s literally not funny anymore
“No one’s standard of living will change, nothing will fundamentally change”
It’s also very true
The point is that both are terrible and should be imprisoned for their crimes. By saying 'but Trump tho" you’re trying to take the discussw away from condemning Biden in this article about Biden.
Trump has committed (and currently is committing) an amount of crimes that should leave him rotting in a.jail cell for centuries
What are Biden’s crimes?
Really now?
Anything you have to support your slightly ridiculous claim?
Also, and I really look forward to this answer: do you think trump will stop all this, give the Palestinians their land back and let them have their own state …? Or do you think he’ll eradicate them, wipe his ass with them while he’s pointing and laughing at them while they’re dying?
Do you really believe that trump will do better than Harris?
Without Biden, Trump and Co. had a pretty fucking decent shot at losing. Sorry, but between his breathtaking hubris for running again, and his inflexibility on Israel, I will never, ever forgive that man. He had one fucking job, and he fucking blew it. Same-sex marriage will be “state by state” by the end of the year, and I will be an old man before my LGBT and female friends and family have their rights restored - and that’s if they have their rights restored.
That is a cost of decades upon the ones I love. I cannot and will not forgive that because he has a “D” next to his name when he did more than any single person to ensure that theocratic fascist cretinous scum with an “R” next to their names got locked into power.