Well at least he’s saying it. Hopefully that reflects a renewed interest in reform, but I’m not going to hold my breath.
My guess is analysts blame the misinformation campaign run against him and Kamala and are going to try and shift the message, 12 years too late. Hopefully.
“Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights, the freedoms and the fair shot for everyone to get ahead,” Biden said.
You could have spoken up about this and done something about it over the last 4 years buddy.
It’s only an oligarchy bc he lost
Before that, too. He’s very much contributed to it himself, what with the bankruptcy bill, that awful crime bill that was so beneficial to the oligarchs who profit from carceral slavery, his tireless advocacy for MBNA, and much, much more.
His political NASCAR jacket would be so full that you wouldn’t be able to read the individual names, but it would have an enormous Israeli flag on it.
He said democracy was at stake more times than I can count. But he was met with laughter, old man jokes, humiliation, claims of hyperbole and fear mongering, and takes like this from media:
But eggs went up 25¢ so Hitler.
Haha omg this aged like milk
Yup. That’s the job.
I mean he should’ve put his money where his mouth was in Trump’s prosecution. The fact that Trump is walking free right now is unequivocally the fault of Biden and Garland.
Maybe if he could speak with more gusto than a dying electronic greeting card, we’d actually believe that he meant it.
He said democracy was at stake more times than I can count
he was met with laughter, old man jokes, humiliation, claims of hyperbole and fear mongering, and takes like this from media
These are not related. He was met with that treatment after saying 1 thing (democracy is in danger) while being a pathetic choice for saving it yet continuing on anyway. The actual response to him claiming danger was “cool, whatcha gonna do about it?”
“Democracy is in danger! That’s why I, Me. We Beat Medicare, should stay in the race until the last minute!”
“Democracy is in danger, so I’m going to run a campaign which specifically and exclusively caters to the Nazis that put us in danger rather than spend an ounce of time appealing to the base”
“Democracy is in danger, so when my internal polls show I’m going to get creamed this election, I’m going to stay in and tell the world I’m sundowning”
“Democracy is in danger, so I’m going to spend the next year sending billions to a fascist nation committing genocide despite 70% of Americans opposition and 90% of my base hating that move”
Fuck Biden and the DNC for putting us in this position. When a fascist rose, y’all spent your time jacking each other off about the importance of legacy. Your legacy is ashes and a public that despises you.
What is it that you propose he had done in the last 4 years?
The 2016 Maga tax plan doesn’t expire until 2026, so that’s out the window.
Executive orders can’t really do much about economy or individuals.
Congress was deadlocked senate 50:50 and house majority was lost in 2022.
The FTC and other federal offices were already investigating monopolies and giving out massive record breaking billions in fines.
He cancelled billions if not trillion or more in debts for students, veterans, medical debts, etc.
The treasury and the fed controlling rates reversed the inflation that peaked in his first year as president despite it not serving the interests of hedge funds.
Seems like Biden was a good president who followed the rules and did everything that he could.
deleted by creator
Rank choice voting.
I don’t think a president can decide how elections are done, for obvious reasons. Thats definitely for Congress and individual states to decide, moreso the latter as each state decides how to alott their EC votes themselves.
Did he try? Was it even part of his agenda?
No, because he doesn’t want it to change. Because he’s a plutocrat.
He shouldn’t try, thats what despots do. Trump can try changing how elections are done and maybe the good people fight him off or maybe this country gets what it deserves and sets an example for future generations.
Lol, no. No despot ever made elections more democratic
No, they don’t, because any individual in power who changes elections is always the person you don’t want changing elections.
You have to realize that any singular person cannot comprehend the relative good or bad of their actions and therefor all good moral principles come from selflessly putting that power in the hands of voters.
If people want to change how voting works, they have that option. The USA are just dumbasses who keep voting against it.
It is not and was never Biden’s job to fix everything at every level of government.
Rot in hell Joe.
"Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy
Taking shape? Like it’s new? Like it’s only now just emerging? Jesus Christ, Biden…
Fucking neoliberal trash.
Guess you shoulda done something about that Joe. Like say, when you were president?
Properly prosecute Trump, for example.
Oligarch warns of oligarchy
Biden has his faults, sure, but Trump & co are on such another level that it’s literally not funny anymore
“No one’s standard of living will change, nothing will fundamentally change”
- Biden addressing his donors in 2019
Without Biden, Trump and Co. had a pretty fucking decent shot at losing. Sorry, but between his breathtaking hubris for running again, and his inflexibility on Israel, I will never, ever forgive that man. He had one fucking job, and he fucking blew it. Same-sex marriage will be “state by state” by the end of the year, and I will be an old man before my LGBT and female friends and family have their rights restored - and that’s if they have their rights restored.
That is a cost of decades upon the ones I love. I cannot and will not forgive that because he has a “D” next to his name when he did more than any single person to ensure that theocratic fascist cretinous scum with an “R” next to their names got locked into power.
On what fucking planet is Biden an oligarch
Are you fucking kidding me? He’s a plutocrat.
he had most opportunity do something about about it and did absolutely nothing to say the country and its people.
He could have put them all in gitmo or worse as an official act for security reasons including the illegitimate supreme Court members and it would have been totally legal,per the courts ruling
bro was given the choice to either ride off in disgrace, or be the man who willfully chose to do something that would start a second civil war. bro chose the former.
people are going to die. he just chose not to be the one to make the decision. its the runaway train / track problem. do nothing, and something horrific happens do something, and something horrific still happens.
This fucking guy…
He even turned off the “Contact Us” portion of whitehouse.gov. Trash.
Really… You think Joe gave the order to turn that off? I can’t even imagine
You suppose either that:
- he never read the communication from whitehouse.gov
- he never cared about it
- he isn’t or wasn’t aware of it
- he wasn’t told about the change
What’s the best explanation?
He has staff who have autonomy to make decisions on the trivial things, so he can focus on big picture. In any org over about 35 people, you kind of need to do that, otherwise the exec is going to be killed by a thousand papercuts
He has staff who have autonomy to make decisions on the trivial things, so he can focus on big picture.
He has staff to ignore the plebs for him. Who do we think we are, Netanyahu?
I can honestly say I have never given less of a fuck about what a president has had to say about his legacy.
Give it 4 years
You’re more optimistic than I am because I don’t think there’s going to be a non-Russian style election in four years.
He probably should have led with this speech.
Yeah, thanks dude, for not actually doing anything about it. Enjoy your millions in retirement.
It’d be much better for him to just stay quiet and fade away into obscurity. Every word out of his mouth since that absurd debate has hurt him, his party, and the country at large. His legacy will not be what he hopes.
Biden may not be super-wealthy, but his presidency is a reflection of our country’s political stagnation. And while he’s no oligarch, he’s certainly the poster boy for elite entitlement to power.
Just a reminder, only a few days ago, Biden still said he would have beaten Trump. This man is not living in reality anymore.
Super-wealthy? No. Still wealthy. Worth $10 million, plus all of the government benefits.
Oh damn, I didn’t realize he was that wealthy. Should’ve looked it up. All the more reason he should have retired ages ago.
To be fair, when he was a senator, he was the lowest paid one iirc. Or at least close to it. Being VP must have changed all that.
It’s almost impossible to be a Federal politician and not be wealthy.
Especially when you’re on the side of the establishment, which Biden was his entire far too long career.
Explains one of the many reasons why Trump ran. Get out of jail free card, and help get out of bankruptcy.
With hundreds of companies lining up to give him money as bribes, I’d say he’s already got what his greed wanted.
Should retire, right now, so Kamila is president for a few days. Just so technically she’s a president. Just to annoy trump
Just to make all those Trump 47 bumper stickers look silly.
I’m not a fan of any of them but this would be hilarious.
I am personally for small fuckery to Trump fans, just to make them squirm and piss their pants.
let me be frank, they’d feverishly fork over few more fistfuls of fiat for some fashionable forty-eight fittings
wanton baby murder wasn’t enough to get him to change his position, so, i wouldn’t hold my breath about this one
Are you trolling or in it for the long game? Cause, there might not be any Palestinians left next time the US gets to vote.
She’s already been Sitting President, if you count that.
“Oh hey guys there’s an oligarchy, sorry I didn’t do anything about it or say something earlier, peace out yall”
And spent the past 4 weeks doing fuck all to stop it. Whatever, I guess this is just the ultimate post-Reagan Dems “they go low, we go high” moment.
“Trump is a Nazi and he will end the world if you dont vote Democrat.” > “Alright, I’m gonna hand the reigns over to the nazi who’s going to end the world. It’s the principled thing to do.”
If he refused to hand over the White House that would make him a dictator himself. Like it or not Americans voted for Trump. Even the ones that didn’t vote for whatever dumb reason.
Like it or not Americans voted for Trump.
Yep fucktard fuck around stage complete! Now comes at least 4 years of finding out.
You could… ya know. Put that username to action.
I sure as shit did not vote for Trump. I only want him upside down like a certain Italian leader he emulates.
Sure, and Weimar Germany voted for Hitler. Tell me, what exactly is the point of democracy if someone can legally be elected to end democracy? What exactly is the point, if you can just vote someone in who will end democracy? I would argue that one non-democratic act is literally and absolutely superior in every way to literally ending democracy.
But what the fuck do i know I’m just a trans woman sitting here absolutely horrified that several of my trans friends who live in the southern states could be arrested in a week or two for existing. That trans youth across the country are going to be forced to detransition. A whole generation of dead kids because a dictator takes over the country and to appease his rabid voter base puts their rights on the chopping block.
It was all a fucking lie. WW2 wasn’t the last time. The holocaust wasn’t the last time. No one learned a single fucking lesson. All the liberals who say “If I was in Germany I’d never have supported the nazis” are absolutely categorically full of shit. It never mattered. They could start rounding people up in the street and peoples primary response would be either annoyance at the blood on their shoes or passive distant pity. And I’m so fucking done with it honestly. Democracy is an empty word. It means nothing. If you live in America you have never once lived in a democratic society, not even if you’re a boomer. It’s just now the dictators are no longer even pretending that the system has any other purpose than mass violence and exploitation. They don’t have to pretend. They’ve convinced half the world those things are good.
Yeah but are you mad or afraid enough to do something about it or are you just like the people you complain about?
Are you under some pretense that I myself can stem the tide of transphobic violence? Are you suggesting it is personally my responsibility to end fascism, even as millions of people stand by doing nothing while the lives of an entire community are threatened?
How dare you use the words “mad” or “afraid” to describe the feeling of living under the impending threat of state violence.
Yawn. All it takes is a few people to create a movement. Clearly, you aren’t interested in doing anything to help yourself. Perhaps it needs to get a little worse before you decide to stand up. I understand completely.
I can’t blame him. When my shift ends it’s somebody else’s problem.
Except that firefighters dont usually let the fire grow and spread while sitting on their hands and then hand it off at the end of the day with a shrug.
But cops will absolutely make everything worse for others. We can cherrypick jobs as examples.
Well, in this example the fire was already raging when Joe’s shift began and he prioritized protecting the neighborhood bank and insurance office before any of the houses. At the end of his shift he makes a statement to watch out for the people who work in those places while the inferno levels the rest of the neighborhood.
Or Biden has been fanning the flames since the Reagan Admin with neoliberal bullshit.
Especially if your shift ends and you should have been retired nearly 20 years ago.
Yah except it was by choice he didn’t retire sooner
IBGYBG: Motto of the leadership of the Democratic Party
IBGYBG? Ivan Brought Guns, You Better Go? That’s an odd motto to have 🤔
I am equally confused.
It makes me feel less crazy that people in here are saying exactly what I’ve felt for years.
God it’s nice to know others can see that the rotating seat of emperor has no clothes.