Not to mention the “Governor Trudeau” extra-dumb.
God I hate politics-by-Twitter. I’m appalled that the US is turning into a fascist country, but I’m even more appalled by how pathetic, puerile and trashy the US’ new fascist overlords are. At least Hitler dressed in Hugo Boss and made speeches that enthralled people: MAGA dresses like tramps, Steve Bannon-stylee and bullies other countries like kids on the playground.
That shows clearly that these tariffs are there to distract (yes it they hurt Americans, Canadians and Mexicans, but he doesn’t care) to make media stop talking about Ukraine.
And ukraine is there to distract from tax cuts, and tax cuts and there to distract from the lost of medicare and the lost of medicare is there to distract from them stealing everything, etc etc
maybe, just maybe, they are just dumb and evil
Sony forget that the tax cuts actually increase taxes for most working class Americans by $3k a year.
I’m betting on more evil than dumb but I can be incredibly wrong.
Trump is dumb. Thiel, Miller, and Yarvin are evil.
There’s still a difference between the severity of some of these things.
With the right leadership America could undo tariffs or the anti-DEI stuff or even drastically redistribute that stolen wealth with the stroke of a pen. The damage to America’s alliances could be repaired over time, especially if they show broad commitment to reforming. These things suck and will hurt but are fixable.
You can’t sign a piece of paper to unfuck Ukraine, or restore gutted institutional knowledge or depose hereditary president-for-life Trump Jr.
It is all to distract from the dismantling of any apparatus that could block his next attempt to stay in power forever.
This is all misdirection.
Not to mention the “Governor Trudeau” extra-dumb.
Trudeau is probably above that, but it would be mildly amusing if he started calling Trump “comrade Trump” or maybe “vice-president Trump”
He called him “Donald” and republicans/maga are outraged!!! lol
We should all be calling him by his real name, “VP Krasnov”.
ETA: and “Murca” is now glorious “KRASNOVIA”
The fact that they’re not even good at being evil somehow pisses me off even more at the whole situation
To be fair, the nazis were pretty fucking stupid too. The evil-cool, machine-like, storm trooper aesthetic they’re known for is cultivated, at least by a significant portion, by nazis overseas that wanted them to be likeable.
Some of it is cultural momentum, for sure. I also like Storm Troopers. But nazis really like Storm Troopers.
I think this is Truth Social with is worse than Twitter somehow.
Twitter and Truth Social are two subtly different flavors of fascist excrement.
Truth Social - all Nazi all the time Xitter - Nazi friendly and “centrist” (closet Nazis)
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No, Twitter is worse IMO. Truth social has always been a steaming pile of shit that non-fascists avoid. Twitter used to be viewed in a positive light and a lot of organizations and governments still use it as a communication medium - sometimes an exclusive communication medium.
Twitter used to be viewed in a positive light
It never was though. Studies always showed that it increase anxiety in the users. Hell, I’m trying to use Bsky to support artists trying to move away from twitter and the while it’s not too bad, the character limit is forcing me to simplify my thoughts to the point that they’re no longer specific enough not to create new conflict. Is this how twitter always was?
I considered Twitter as one of the horsemen of the apocalypse, and that was years before musk bought it.
It depends on what you mean my positive light but generally I would say you’re wrong. Twitter had a dedicated fan base well into this decade and was where every business and personality had an account for a reason. Yes people knew of negative social media effecta but Twitter definitely had a fairly wide spread cult following.
where every business and personality had an account for a reason
to sell shit
Also, it seems weird to say a mainstream social media platform cult following.
it seems weird to say a mainstream social media platform cult following.
I agree the word choice is a bit odd. I meant in the sense that Twitter had a dedicated userbase that used it a lot and sort of glorified it. You weren’t talking with your friends or posting online, you were “Tweeting at your mutuals”. The most succinct way I could put it was “cult”, in the same sense that movies and TV have “cult” followings: a dedicated group that enjoys and bases some part of their personality around it.
“Cult following” refer to fanbases for obscure media, like Wraith or Ice Pirates. Star Wars does not have a Cult following.
Twitter was awesome pre-2015 then something happened…can’t quite figure out what brought a bunch of assholes to the platform…hmm…
And if you feel forced to simplify your thoughts to fit the character limit, you’re simply using the wrong service
Well, the person I’m commenting under is using the wrong service. But it’s easier to simply not comment or even “engage” in anyway then it is to get into arguments because of a miscommunication.
Partially coincidental but
(Found this yesterday because the same organization mirrors the president’s “Truths”)
Mastodon limits to 500 by default. Alternatives like misskey and pleroma are usually 5k or unlimited
Yeah, I remember watching speeches by Hitler back when I was in school. I didn’t understand German so I didn’t know what he was saying, but I could at least appreciate that the Nazis knew how to project power and competence.
I always understood the fascist aesthetic to be something very macho, very serious-seeming, etc. I always thought the idea was that you had an incredibly charismatic strong-man leader who had all the answers. And, given that, I could understand how people could be taken in.
But, the MAGA aesthetic is so ugly. Their rhetoric is so unserious. Their leader is so old, fat and caked in orange makeup, and he sounds like an absolute moron. The people attending the rallies do comical things like wearing diapers. And yet, half the US looks at that and thinks: yeah, I’ll vote for them.
And then there’s Elon Musk. Every time he opens his mouth it’s less and less believable that anything he ever did was the result of skill or competence. Any time he talks about programming or system administration it’s clear he has no fucking clue what he’s talking about. When he talks about gaming he claims he’s one of the top players in the world, and yet it’s obvious he’s barely played the games involved. But, apparently Americans are so brainwashed that being rich means you’re “a genius”.
I hated George W. Bush, but at least I could understand how some people found his schtick endearing. I could understand how he harnessed people’s fear and hate and turned it into support for his “war on terrah”. But, with Trump my opinion of Americans has gone down to the lowest level ever. This is what works for you? Really??
It’s funny that he’s trying to imply that he’s reacting to our tariffs by saying the US ones are reciprocal, but then immediately contradicts that by (correctly) identifying ours as retaliatory.
Which is it, Don? How do we retaliate against something we allegedly started? Stupid fucking lying bastard. US stocks are plummeting and I hope it continues. FAFO.
All stocks are plummeting.
Yeah, that happens during trade wars. I’m prepared for things to get a lot worse before they improve (if they ever do). Rapid inflation, here we come!
Ok it’s starting to feel like a game now. Can we cause American hyperinflation by a targeted tariff feedback loop?
Canada should add a 100% tariff on USA crude oil that we import (Canada import 0 I guess) and with trump reciprocal thinggy, automatically crude oil from Canada to USA would have a 100% tariff on it lol
Just take something we import very little and slap a -200% tariff
-200%? The US government pays you 200% of what the import is worth?
Tbh, I’ve been pondering just how regulated organized market manipulation is nowadays. With the market going through “corrections” because of tariffs and the FCC being completely defanged, a large group of organized retail investors have the opportunity to get up to some pretty funny business.
If by “funny business” you mean raise prices on products that don’t actually have tariffs on them, then it’s a safe bet that yeah, there’s going to be some funny business.
Or like the sort of thing a hostile foreign government might really want to have happen to the US…
Good thing we have agent Krasnov at the helm.
No, because Canada’s economy will collapse long before the US economy if each side just keeps increasing tariffs. What Canada needs to do is make things cheaper for Canadians, not more expensive.
Take any law related to US intellectual property and decriminalize that.
Violating the copyright on Hollywood movies? Go for it. No charge.
Something you want to do is covered by a patent held by an American? Do it, you won’t be prosecuted.
Want to bypass DRM on a tractor, a printer, an iPhone, sell or give away tools to allow anybody else to do it? Feel free.
The biggest advantage of this approach is that if the US did the same thing with respect to Canadian IP, they’d have so much less to work with. The US has geared its economy towards producing IP, and then used trade deals to demand that other countries respect that IP or the US will put tariffs on their stuff. Well, clearly the US isn’t holding up its end of that bargain, so fuck 'em.
The only difference is we’re putting tariffs on things that we can source elsewhere vs the blanket tariffs from the states. But I agree we should also do all the IP stuff you mentioned.
I like that Trudeau announced he was fucking leaving and before he could get his ass out the door and let someone else take the lead, all this shit happens because Trump was elected.
What a fucking circus.
Looks like the Governor of the 47th Oblast is throwing another hissy fit.
How!? How is this guy allowed to be President!? 🤬 This is every time I see him speak and says anything!
He’s Constitutionally ineligible, but the US no longer has a Constitution, so…
Do it you fucking limp dick
OK Donnie
Yeah I mean… ok. Let’s just go up to 100% both ways. FAFO, Salting the Earth edition. Canada will still trade with Europe and Mexico.
He also wants his face on currency. The man is a menace
What’s wrong with that? I also want my face on some currency :)
Well sure but you have to be able to force people to want to use your coins
And now we’re back in q simulation
He also wants his face on currency
You have to be dead before that happens.
I’m sure someone would be willing to help
looking at Iran for the hail mary on that one…
I don’t think there’s any law requiring that
Not that it would matter if there was, mind you, seeing as there’s a whole thing in the Constitution about not having insurrectionists who broke their oath to uphold the Constitution be allowed to ever hold elected office again, and well…
For my fellow Americans, the best way to respond if Trump gets his face on currency is to go full cashless. Let his ass sit abandoned and forgotten in bank vaults across the country.
I’ve heard a joke that utilizes a dollar boll for the execution normally. A challenge to find a bird, a National monument, a dairy product, and an award-winning film on the dollar.
The joke is not legal to do. The first two are obvious and legal.
- An eagle
- The picture on the back
- Half & Half (tear it in half)
- Gone with the Wind (throw the pieces in the air)
Not something people could feasibly do since it’s an expensive AND illegal joke, but would still be funny.
lol ours is retaliatory but theirs are reciprocal?
Eat shit asshole.
This guy doesn’t even understand those words. They’ve got someone writing his tweets now.
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Eh I deleted the comment because it can be taken horribly out of context, but what I meant was my ADHD medication gives me really weird thoughts late at night. But hey, I prefer weird thoughts to the depressing shit I think about without it.
Seems like it. It’s not all in caps and misspelled. Can’t even claim it’s AI because at least it would try to duplicate him
He definitely has handlers writing his tweets. There was an analysis last time, coherent posts were written from an Android phone (the handler), rambling posts in all caps from an iPhone (Trump).
@imvii Perhaps since little donny says he does not need anything from Canada we should shut off his electric and oil now. That would be before he could effectively replace it.
I’m down for it.
There is a little buzz that Trump is going to back pedal in a day or two, which would be hilarious. But I think we keep the pressure on even if he does.
None of this back and forth shit.
If he backpedals I still hope the LCBO donated all that American liquor to the Legion and bars for one ultra liquor holiday.
They pulled the trigger, I don’t want that shit back on the shelves, even if they do call taksies backsies.
They better not put that shit back on the shelves. It’s the 2nd time that we’ve pulled it off the shelves, and we keep putting it back on. FOR WHAT
It’s better to just sell it and not replenish the stock than to dispose of it all at a massive loss. The US sellers won’t get more money either way, but this way some losses can be avoided on the Canadian side.
“While Ontario-based retailers will have the discretion to sell whatever stock they have on hand, they will no longer be able to buy U.S. products from LCBO,” the email continues.
We do not have to buy it
Agreed. No backing down now. Keep the pressure on and increasing. This isn’t ending any time soon.
Later today, Lutnik (Trump aid), said that “we will meet Canada/Mexico half way on tariffs.”, with announcement tomorrow. So, maybe other direction.
This meme has never been more true. No other words needed.
I feel like it’s a miss without words - the most obvious interpretation would be that Trump and Trudeau are equivalent and that’s just false here - if you were intending that Trump is pointing at himself then that works but there are mirror memes that’d probably fit a bit better.
No matterhpw ypu look at it, it’s the same. Trump on Trump or Trump on Trudeau.
Don’t get it twisted, Trump is on a different level. However, Trudeau and U.S. Democrats being bad at governoring lead to extreme right-wing politics.
- Poor regulation on the housing markets
- Foreign interference harming the people
- Stagnant wages
- Relax regulation on the ultra wealthy
- No consequences on corruption
- Accountablilty on police/official abuse
- Little/under investment in public services
Shit, We can be here all day.
77,302,5802 U.S. Americans are not all racist. A lot of them got tired of being fucked nonstop by shit officials.
Canada is not immune to a Trump clone. Look at Germany’s election results. They might have their own Trump soon. 3-4 idiots like that and the world is a completely new place.
Germany’s election wasn’t a big dub for the AfD, the coalition formed for >50% and the rest don’t support their agenda.
And 77m people voting for a 6 time (soon to be 7) bankruptcy convicted felon does say something about their voters.
“Man who does not what what a tariff is launches his second trade war”
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