Privatize deez nutz, bitch
Don’t do that. Grrmany did. Did not end so Well.
They privatized the postal service in the UK.
It did not go well
And the railways.
That did not go well either.
Although I’ll wager it’s still more useful than the US rail system.
The reason we don’t have a US rail system is because of the constant, unending efforts by automotive industries to dismantle all plans and dreams we’ve ever had for mass-transit. And every other possible public offering or social service that we pay taxes for.
He’ll find those already government run in Russia. Perhaps he should consider relocating to that shithole and leave the United States the fuck alone.
In my country since the government privatized a part of postal service, the quality of service heavily declined to the point that now is almost guaranteed that they will “lose” your letter if you send it in a place that will cost too much to deliver
this is almost what has been happening in my country.
I remember seeing an interview with Margaret Thatcher where she said that rail could never be successfully privatized. Just as a reminder of how extreme Musk’s ideas are.
They more or less did that here in the Netherlands. Once the government let go, things slowly started getting worse and we’re now at the point where I’d say things are expensive, occasionally sporty and suboptimal…
Japan seems to have done it, no idea what the people over there think about its service and affordability though.
Thatcher’s successor, John Major, oversaw the privatisation of British railways between 1994 and 1997.
It only took 30 years for them all to completely collapse in 2024.
British Rail Service is so bloody expensive as well. Seems like you guys have these, essentially, per-track monopolies.
try it. no one will use it then.
Right. And people will die because of it. That’s the problem, my friend.
If you live in a small town, your meds might come by mail. Your pension check too. That kind of mission critical thing. And that absentee ballot? Yeah, no, that’s not gonna arrive on time.
Of course one could build alternative services. But in the meantime, at least, it will ruin a lot of things that are working properly right now. That is the point. That is the objective.
we already have FedEx for that.
At least this one will be tougher. The postal service is in the constitution.
Who will enforce the constitution?
It might have to be you.
It isn’t going to be some cosplaytriot with a flag on their F150 rocking Amazon body armor that’s for sure.
Elon Musk should privatize his face
I disagree. He should make it more accessible to the public. Physically accessible.
No shit, I’m so tired of seeing it
AmTrak is a hill I am willing to die for on.
I suggest we deport this Nazi immigrant.
To Atlantis.
I don’t think any other country wants him either, except maybe Russia.
However, he IS a big space enthusiast. Maybe there should be not one, but two Teslas floating in space?
The post office would take an act of congress.
And a constitutional amendment.
It wouldn’t need a constitutional amendment. The constitution says they can, not they must, run a postal service
Whole lotta shit happening right now that should take an act of congress. Seems to make no difference.
Nah, not anymore, just an XO and the little fascists will make it happen.
Both would, actually. They are independent quasi governmental corpirations.
As long as they pay out the full pension to all the employee’s. After every postal employee’s pension is fully funded.
Lol, you know they wouldn’t
Of course not. Its been the dream of these scumbags for decades to get their hooks in to all that pension money and screw over the postal workers. They forget the term going postal exist for a reason.
This is exactly the shit that will give permanent erections to the cons.
And people should not call this shit “Trumpism” - this is who the Republicans are and what the Republican project has always been. They HATE the idea of a functioning society for all. Next up, we’re going to hear how education should be handed over to the Devos family. You know, for “choice”.