But…isn’t the Italian word for “Canadian” “canadese”?
Canadese nuts
Next thing you know Lady Gaga is going to rename her song to Canadiano
It’s funny and the Americans being salty about this one, when their country is becoming more and more fascist every day, are even funnier. Get mad about real important things, not this 😂
Those Americans need to look in a mirror first, with their “freedom fries”, because France decided not to back them in their needless war in Iraq.
The last bit of this song always takes with me whenever I hear that phrase…
Freedom fries and burns and scars Liberator goes too far Freedom fries and screams and yells The promised land is a promised hell — Robert Plant from the album Mighty Rearranger
Surprising that anyone would want to take ownership of the Americano
I like them :(. They’re very similar to coffee but a bit stronger
This took me a second to process. Is filter coffee “coffee” in north America?
More or less, yes. Decades ago, the dominant kind in the US was perk (percolated) but that fell by the wayside1. The only time it makes sense to order an Americano by name here is at a coffee bar where it’s wise to specify how you want your cup made.
1. Honestly, it’s a tad more eco-friendly but many coffees are just not to people’s tastes like this - you get a very bitter cup this way.
It’s not to say they can’t be delicious and can certainly be nicer than a lot of preparations if it is rooted in a nice espresso shot.
However, the origin story is that American GIs couldn’t handle espresso and made Italians water it down to make it more like “coffee back home”, hence the name.
I’d imagine an authentic Canadiano would at least have some cheese curds in it.
I think it’s because most people don’t put as much coffee in the filter as they should and they end up making a weak coffee.
I thought the same thing … I thought Americano was basically just an espresso with a lot of water added to it
One of the reasons why I enjoyed espressos and why a lot of Europeans preferred it was due to the fact that it makes you pee less … same hit of caffeine but no need to go pee every half an hour.
I will sometimes have a pot of coffee a day at home and every time I do, I end up heading to the toilet to pee just about every hour. I really should just switch to espressos but my wife prefers the drip stuff.
If the espresso isn’t making you pee, you might just be dehydrated. Caffeine is a diuretic, so it’s going to make you lose some water.
Caffeine isn’t a true diuretic the way alcohol is. It doesn’t dehydrate your body. But it still makes you pee because it irritates your bladder, causing you to pee out whatever was in there.
The espresso will still make you pee … just less often because there is less liquid to pee out … if you drink two or three cups of liquid, you’re more likely and more often will be going to the toilet.
If you drink an espresso, you got the hit of caffeine but there is less liquid in the system to want to flush out.
I spent several holidays in the south of Spain and they have about ten different types and amounts and concentrations of espresso. A Spanish breakfast is basically just an espresso and maybe a pastry because they want to be able to work all morning without a toilet break interrupting them. I learned early on from Spanish people that you can just drink an espresso and then go walking around a city for an hour or two without a break for anything for the toilet or even to eat because you’re so hopped up on caffeine (it acts as a hunger suppressant as well).
The opposite of that is Americano. I work in a bit of construction and renovation and before going to Europe, I’d fill myself with drip coffee and go to work … work for about an hour then have to take pee breaks. Nothing worse than being on top of a roof with all your gear, in middle of a ton of work and you have to head down to pee … only to do it again and again (it’s the main reason why you will often see construction workers peeing in a corner on the lawn or just out a window or into a gravel pit or use piss jugs around the job site).
Now I drink an espresso or two if I plan on working at a site for a few hours.
The espresso will still make you pee … just less often because there is less liquid to pee out … if you drink two or three cups of liquid, you’re more likely and more often will be going to the toilet.
You just explained dehydration bro
I thought Americano was basically just an espresso with a lot of water added to it
I think they mean it’s like a regular “instant” coffee but stronger, rather than like an espresso but “weaker”.
yeah, it’s one of my favourite coffees. I like perc-brewed black coffee already, americano has all the, uh, “perks” of it but also the richer flavour of an espresso. So good.
I’ve never met someone who prefers percolators, nice.
Dunno if I’d say I prefer perc coffee but I have a really good quality moccamaster that makes very fine perc, it’s great. I never got behind the French press superiority arguments, I find it tends to bring out the acidity in the roasts i prefer. I do love a good watered down espresso though, probably more than perc cup-for-cup, but i couldn’t drink four of them over the day
Does moccamaster make percolators too? I’ve only seen their filter coffee makers.
Oh, that might be regional terminology. Drip coffee makers are called percolators where i live, but I see from google that the terms aren’t always synonyms
while I support Canada boycotting the US, you have to admit this in particular is “freedom fries” tier patriotism. it was embarrassing then, and it is embarrassing now.
Except back then the US was the aggressor, and now the US is the aggressor. I wouldn’t equivocate “you don’t want to blindly follow me into a pointless war” to “you’re targeting me in a trade war”
My point is that neither name change actually sends either message. They’re both weak and pointless, literally inconsequential and completely self contained. Imagine the French being … hurt? annoyed? … that some fuckwits on the other side of the world don’t call fries French Fries… as if they gave a shit before. Same here.
Depends. Tongue in cheek it’s pretty funny.
I would agree if this was Mexico doing it as a response to the gulf thing… then it would have made some sense in context.
Have you not heard about the tariffs and threats of annexation from Trump?
Yes. Please refer to my original comment, once again, clearly in support of boycotting the US in actually meaningful ways. I say this would be more understandable coming from Mexico because then it would be a jab, against the US unilaterally trying to rename the Gulf of Mexico, so it would make sense to rename something named after America(ns) in return.
“Oh, you did tariffs and threatening annexation, I shall no longer call this coffee Americano” just doesn’t follow logically. And compared to the threat it is the weakest, lamest, most pathetic form of protest imaginable. That’s my point.
You are being too literal.
A better analogy is to say that it’s as lame as Freedom Fries, but it being aimed at the country that re-labeled the French Fry, so that makes it ironic and much funnier.
I’ll take one Mexicano please. /s
If politicians are pushing this particular change, it would be a bit cringe imo but I chuckled when I saw it.
Agreed that it would definitely be much worse, and maybe I wouldn’t have found it as cringe if I hadn’t seen the push for “Freedom Fries” back in the day.
We changed the nane of a product because you haven’t joined us wilding an unjustified war on brown people
We changed the name of a product because you waged an unjustified trade war against us for no reason, even tough we have been your closest alley.
Not the same.
You understand how despite the differences in justification, someone can find both examples cringe, right?
I didn’t question motivations. I already said I support boycotting the US. this is not a method of protest that does anything. it’s lame and stupid. Americano is not even American, nor is it Canadian. it’s just dumb. it’s like saying you remember watching Canadian Pie as a teen.
I didn’t say it isn’t. i said it’s not American, as in it doesn’t come from the US.
Americano is not even American
I mean that’s a pretty specific phrasing.
I said it’s not American, as in it doesn’t come from the US.
Those are not the same things, but i know what you mean now, so thanks.
Yeah, no. If you didn’t support their pointless wars back then, they would call you a traitor. Fuck me for not wanting my friends to die.
I don’t understand what this has to do with anything I said.
The “freedom fries” 20 years ago occurred because France did not want to support our stupid middle eastern wars. That spawned the stupid movement to stop calling them French fries. If you were not pro-war in the US in the early 2000’s, a lot of people would suggest you were unpatriotic.
That is why they said. Because you brought it up.
I know what Freedom Fries is. That’s why I brought it up. I don’t understand how that’s relevant to my comment that calling Americano Canadiano is dumb.
You could not support their wars, and also not stoop to their level of pettiness.
Big “freedom fries” energy. Very silly.
The Canadiano should be the Double Double (Double cream double sugar)
It should be coffee with moose milk.
A Canadiano sounds pretty good rn what’s in it
Americano sweetened with maple syrup. And if that’s not a thing it should be.
It should be left Americano. It’s called that because Americans couldn’t handle the stronger coffee or espresso and wanted it watered down. Weak. “Americano” is kinda insulting by itself. But whatever works for you.
This one is ironic because the macho-mindset of needing to be STRONG and therefor only consuming hard stuff is realy American interpretation of manhood in itself.
That’s one theory as of why. The other is a lack of coffee supplies during wartime.
I used to look down on the Americano, but as I got older I realized sometimes I’m more in the mood for one than espresso or a milky drink.
It’s the same amount of coffee, just in lower concentration. You can also sip on it longer before you run out.
just drink filter coffee
Sometimes the different taste profile is nice
At home I do but a lot of places that have great espresso make awful, neglected, drip coffee.
“Go to better places” yeah whatever
Sometimes those cheap less than perfect places are the best place around
It’s not just the product, it’s the atmosphere that matters too
Why? What’s wrong with espresso based drinks?
an americano is supposed to be a facsimile of filter coffee.
It doesn’t really taste like filter coffee though. It tastes like mellowed-out espresso, which is nice sometimes
Now add a Trumpecino: extra bitter and double the price.
And no coffee, because that’s black and anything black is DEI
So more appropriate would be a White Russian, lukewarm, with some vinegar?
A virgin one
It was stupid with the freedom fries and it’s still stupid today
Except freedom fries was over morons being upset France that didnt invade another country.
This is people upset over America being an awful country.
Way to offend the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese languages, possibly.
Nah they are calling it a Canadiasshole. It’s funny.
If it doesn’t have a hint of maple it’s just watered coffee.
Cafe con aqua