Anon’s friend is just Batman going through his early training montage.
Sure it’s not normal. He’s chosen the Hermit path. Fair play to him.
Desire is the root of all suffering, suffering can cease when attachment to desire is extinguished.
just like me fr
Umm, hello, is this the Based department? I’d like to report someone…
As a practicing Buddist, I do this often. Smoke enough weed, and an empty shack becomes a temple of delight.
Doesn’t the meditation bring on is own kind of high after a while?
Pot works better
That’s about the scariest shit I can imagine, but I admire him.
FIFO workers often do multiple weeks on, and a week or more off.
I bet his friend is never worried about stupid shit.
I’d be worried about rats nibbling my nutsack while I sleep on the floor of an abandoned factory.
That is a basic survival worry. I tend to believe that humans faced with real survival issues are less negatively impacted than those who have material worries.
My stress about work is killing me.
My stress about not freezing to death leads me to do things like chopping wood, lighting fires, and maintaining my chimney. Which are all good things.
Chop wood, carry water.
Indeed, the majority of us aren’t made to worry about arbitrary problems that are beyond our control constantly more than trivial and survival related problems.
My wife doesn’t love multi day backpacking. But she loves the glimpse of how I am and how we are - during that time.
Our priorities - Stay warm, stay dry, fetch and purify water, hike the right distances to get out with food in hand, packing and unpacking our gear, avoid dangerous wildlife, cook, sleep.
When every day that’s your goal state it’s super simple - stress is actually just a response to things that might kill you again. And not 20 steps away from it. “I might perform poorly, my clothes might not be appropriate for the job, I’m running 3 minutes behind - which may cost me my job, which could be long term, and financially we won’t recover, and then we might lose the house or starve”. Up against “I need water and dry clothes”.
I think the reason it’s not a problem is there’s agency you can take over that stuff, and it’s not deferring to a blatantly malevolent system designed to crush you into dust and extract the value for things like sleeping inside and getting the ever diminishing treats that make you not kill yourself while you’re doing that.
whereas when it’s cold your body does stuff by itself to heat up, and there’s usually more you can do besides to fix or at least emotionally cope with the problem in healthy ways-warm clothes, blankets, wood chopping, chimney maintenance, something inadvisable with nichrome wire, etc. When you’re fighting a nazi, you have to be moving or carefully still, and the moving actually matters and maybe you kill or escape the nazi before it kills you. your actions actually matter, even if the base situation is more outwardly harrowing.
there’s no cognitive dissonance to survival issues, no worrying about how you’re seen, no helleresque bullshit. nothing even stopping you from acting but your own assessments.
but in this crazy crazy world, is normal so good?
Post-industrial Buddhism is what it is. Yeah like it’d be great to do that in a cave or forest or open prairie but who the fuck can afford those things?
Abandoned buildings are free as long as you don’t fuck with the native inhabitants’ meth.
I would just worry of asbestos or heavy metal contamination in the buildings, especially if I’m sleeping on or near the floor
Are you worried about this sort of thing in general? I would argue that these things are pretty esoteric concerns.
All the good caves are taken.
who the fuck can afford those things?
Anybody? Where do you live that hanging out in the forest costs money?
Transportation to and from the forest isn’t free.
Also some places have laws against camping on public land to discourage homelessness and these would likely fall afoul of those.
I promose you those places also have laws against camping on private property in an abandoned building.
Yes, but not as many people go to abandoned buildings so you’re less likely to be seen by others and reported.
I’d be way more concerned about running into someone in a 'bando than out in the woods though.
Hiker in the woods is going to go the other way. A homebum in a bando? Who knows how they’ll react.
Easter Island
In the middle of a city, which doesn’t have nearby forests.
If we’re talking about the US, that’s no city I’ve ever seen except maybe the southwest
You’ve never seen an abandoned building in Baltimore, DC Philadelphia, Detroit, or Chicago?
Outside of the tourist zone you can find wastelands of abandoned buildings.
I’m not doubting there are abandoned buildings in cities. I’m doubting any city within the US with the exception of the southwest is more than a few miles from a forest.
Oh ok. But to refute your forest idea, while there are forests a few miles outside those cities, you can’t easily walk to them. There also aren’t any forests near those major cities where you wouldn’t immediately be noticed by park rangers if you tried setting up a random tent. Abandoned buildings don’t get daily police sweeps whereas parks do get sweeps because of lost/injured at nightfall when the parks close to everyone without a camping permit. And legal camp sites are very popular so you wouldn’t be getting away from people- like those who have their playlists blasting out their phone while hiking.
Actually the larger parks near me (the only places that have enough trees to qualify as something close to a forest) do cost money (american city metro area)
OP didn’t mean the cost of going there, they meant still paying the bills while going to the forest instead of work
That’s still going to be a problem living in an abandoned building though. That part doesn’t change regardless of where their friend goes to meditate (unless that place is work I guess)
What forest? Most people live nowhere near a forest
Most American cities have a forest within a few miles. Our largest city, for example, has 50 acres of forest right in the Bronx.
Most people don’t live in America either
Most people on 4chan do
there are no commons.
silent hill protagonist
Sounds like buddism to me
This is a bit intense but praxticrs like this have been used not only by the Buddhists but also the internet’s favourite emperor Marcus Aurelius for example. It seems to be really good for you. For a more feasible exercise just tape a square onto the floor and only leave that box for hygiene, work, food and walks. You sleep in the box you meditate in the box and you exercise in the box.
why don’t i just buy a doggy cage like i want to
That just sounds like my bedroom
That square is my bed and my therapist was concerned when I said I didn’t leave it.
You exercise on your bed?
Cardio mostly.
It’s a partner exercise
That partner’s name? Palmala
what part of that isnt normal? The area in which we sleep can be what ever, is it just that he is alone with his own thoughts and does minimal food (most would just do rice only during these things)?
Old factory’s a bad choice. Suspended particulate matter from industry long past can ruin your lungs. Caves can be better, if there aren’t any bats or stabby bugs. As an aside, what’s the deal with humans and bats each hosting diseases that wipe the other out?
There’s likely a monastery nearby, or a field, or a forest where you can get the same experience. A tent covered with blackout curtains costs little and dampens what little sound and light you’ll find.
I have a huge canvas tent that we use for SCA stuff and I take it and air it out before and after winter, and I just stay out there for a few days, we have a lot of strays that just come and chill with me and we both sleep out there at night and its real good for great cuddling and just enjoying each others presence. Plus again late night strays will sleep with us.
On the one hand, that’s adorable. On the other, I’m sad that so many friendly animals aren’t being housed.
We are out in the country so they have a good food source of mice and moles from the farm land. So we make boxes for them in the winter and put out some food once a week just for supplemental food source for them. They are good kids and if we can we get them fixed, they do a big open call for them a few times a year and they just call us and are like how many can you get and send us over lots of carriers. Then for a week our house is just FULL (we have the main house, the barn and a chicken coop to keep little ones ) till we are sure they healed correctly then as they can they leave.
That is, once again, precious. Just a self replenishing stock of friendly fuzziness to be fished out of the forest. I wish you all the best in what is assuredly the most gratifying, and exhausting, week of the year, whenever that might be
Agreed. Besides industrial waste, old factories often have motion-detector silent alarms. If not, they may have squatters who may or may not be cool with intruders. If not, if you have some kind of medical emergency it might be months before you are found.
Comment-OP, minimal food’s not really necessary - one of the things about Gautama Buddha is that he gave up mortifying the flesh. And you definitely shouldn’t dehydrate yourself bc that can cause organ damage.
It’s normal. Anon is just detached from reality.
"All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” – Blaise Pascal
The only part I find weird is the starving/dehydrating part, the rest sounds pretty cool.
Fake: Anon has friends
Gay: Imaginary friend is a guy
Open and shut case.
Bake em away, toys.