I’m not a fan of ‘starter packs’
Not against them as concept , but lotsa ones I see on r/starterpacks thinly veiled fatphobia
As in, the memes? Fair enough.
Eh, I like them, but once we get more memes going I could see them being relegated to their own community
Edit: Thanks for the upvotes!
edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Karma-farming. Please lets just be our genuine, authentic, awful selves.
It helps that we have no karma. Also, some instances bouncing downvotes helps a bit.
All the tired puns or jokes about Nazis/Hitler. “Anne Frankly, I did Nazi that coming!” “You gotta hand it to Hitler, at least he killed Hitler.” Etc.
It’s the kind of thing you might chuckle at once, but so many comment threads end up piled with the same brain rot nonsense as people trip over themselves to parrot their quirky internet catchphrases.
Those are like pronoun and vegan “jokes”; maybe the first or second one is funny, but they get unfunny FAST.
Pronoun jokes are almost never funny, especially in the current political environment. Especially if cishet folks are making them. The exceptions are few and far between.
So I think I have a good one, actually.
That’s what they said.
That’s it, really, an inclusive update on an old stupid joke.
I suspect I’m still the only one to find it funny.
"whyyyy are you sorting by new???
Ironic, considering people sorting by new are almost neccessary for voting to work.
- Peops being unnecessarily confrontational towards each other till entire screen just lines
- Stupid stock phrases (man of culture|cake day|kind stranger|calling up votes “updꝏts”|.*)
- Crappy bots with no real utility replying to random comments
- Rudeness to light mode users , r/chargeyourphone
- Ableist subs like ⦅system|fakedisorder)cringe|illnessfakers|raisedbyn●●●●●●●●●s|BPDlovedones|.*)
- Rage bait posts like that one cake AITA post (no way it’s real)
- Karma requirements for subs like r/assistance . Dear god fckin HOPE karma dœsn’t get added to lemmy …
Already answered similar thread to this one 2 yrs ago , but threadiverse changed somewhat since then . Had different answers some of them already made their way here since , so gave different answers this time
Crappy bots with no real utility replying to random comments
Counter argument:
I loved the spammy bots in LOTR memes & Prequelmemes comms
Did you just give a regex as an example of the subreddit names?
Yes . The “.*” what I use to mean “etc”
Being a jerk and the hive mind
The hive mind might already be here, depending on who you ask. I was already left/progressive, though, so it just feels like hanging out with like-minded people.
Jerks I can do without, but they’re unavoidable. Simply not engaging with them seems to work best.
I feel like to a point it might be, but to a point in today’s age and internet - everything is an echo chamber so it’s turned into a “pick ypur poison” kind of thing.
That being said, open discourse and actual conversation seems more prevalent and easier to come by here then on reddit which is very nice.
Plus, I had forgotten how much I missed actual conversation!
I think the different instances help with that, as it encourages at least some interaction outside of your direct bubble…
That said when Hexbear re-enable federation I very much doubt “open discourse” or “actual conversation” will be the results
42069 was never funny and never will be for those of us aged 16 or older.
Is that a reddit-ism? Isn’t it more just pop culture that exists equally both on and off of Reddit?
fucking cake days
Thats already here.
edit: don’t know why I was downvoted, its literally a lemmy feature.
don’t know why I was downvoted
I’m convinced there are people out there that just downvote everything. They get some kind of chemical release in their brains when they hit the downvote button. You could say “being happy feels good” and someone out there will downvote it.
I would say they just fat-fingered it. hopefully.
All that wholesome keanu chungus shit, wholesome 100.
And my axe!
Buncha reddit cringe like:
“The narwhal bacons at midnight” “Owling”
I cannot abide that shit.
What was the whole narwhal thing?
It’s a code phrase to identify other Redditors in real life. If you ask someone, “When does the narwhal bacon?” they answer, “At midnight.” Then you both know you are part of the cool secret Reddit club.
It started in this thread. A user was bored at an airport and tried to identify other traveling Reddit users for fun.
Wow, thats like a much worse version of the tumblr shoelaces.
Just commenting ‘this’ to show an agreement.
Should have known…
As in, the question at hand, or people just commenting "this?
Just commenting “This”.
Yea, I should have been clearer.