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I can’t believe so many people voted for this deranged game show host.
I don’t want Greenland, I just want you to stop bombing kids and work on our Healthcare. Why on the fuck are you even looking at Greenland???
Best I can do is a Central American shooting war.
Im out of the loop on this. Why does the US want greenland?
his bois require more minerals
Whole lotta minerals that will get a lot easier to exploite as the planet warms.
Mining minerals to turn into phones so I can read about how bad of an ecological impact it is to mine minerals to turn into phones.
Same reason he just cut Australia out of an illegal deep sea mining contract and why he’ll cut the western saharans out of their homeland and take the minerals from Morocco.
Cause he’s starting a super edgelord team of billionaires who’s trying to stack the deck for the next 200 years.
The Orange Nazi is coming for you. Prepare for the worst.
All of a sudden the conservative rhetoric is that indigenous Greenlanders are mistreated by the Danes and that’s unfair; they need America’s help.
I wonder how much of Regressive rhetoric and propaganda comes straight out of the heritage foundation. Where is the epicenter of the cancer?
That’s such transparently stupid bullshit. If they believed that they’d start by helping indigenous Americans. It sickens me that so many people are idiotic enough to either believe this or just not care.
It’s sickening and fucking enraging. It puts my mind for a spin.
Nice try, Donvict. You and your coward yes-men have their incompetence signal exposed and the distractions aren’t working anymore. Please resign! We need Republican Senators to grow a spine, be pro-USA, not tolerate incompetent national security, and impeach this loser.
He just announced foreign vehicle tariffs and there is a huge scandal brewing around the Signal thing. If the media stays on the Signal leak it could become a Watergate-sized problem.
So, Trump hit the “distract them with Greenland” button. He couldn’t use the “distract them with Canada is a state” button again, he used that one for the Social Security thing last week.
He’s flooded the zone with shit to the point that we can’t focus on any of it with the attention it deserves.
Yeah he led an insurrection against the capital bro. Do you really think a group chat will be his downfall?
Nowhere in there did I say it would bring down Trump. If it gets the media traction that it should get, it could split the Republican base enough to disrupt the Right’s hold on the House and Senate in November. I don’t think it will, though. The Greenland distraction has pretty much drowned it out. JD is over there going hard for his daddy, and we are not even through the weekend yet. As the old man said, “We will see.”
I think it’s really dangerous to keep dismissing the Greenland talk as a distraction. We have learned the lesson dozens of times before not to dismiss anything he says because it’s just “crazy talk.”
Taking control of Greenland and Canada would give a US-Russian alliance complete control over the Arctic circle, which has been a tactical goal of Putin’s for decades.
The day could come very soon when the US will take military action against Europe on behalf of Russian interests, and the rest of the world should take it seriously and prepare.
I remember talking to this dude before Russia invaded Ukraine. He said Russia brought all the troops to the border for a military training exercise. I asked him where he learned that. He told me Russian state media… It’s amazing how gullible people are. Like truly so innocent and trusting.
Every time an American claims something is just a distraction I get more annoyed. Threats of invading sovereign nations is not just a distraction. It’s pretty fucking alarming as a citizen of one of those nations and the dismissal of it is offensive
It’s pretty alarming as a citizen of the US as well. But our conservatives are upset over the signal leak and indifferent to the invasion of Greenland, so if we let trump distract is with the signal leak you lose.
Believe me, I see the danger. I harbor no illusions that they wouldn’t go that far or that it’s just a distraction. Nothing is just a distraction, everything they say is an admission. I guess my point was Americans need to keep their eyes on this Signal thing because of how it could blow up but Trump knows how to distract so this week it’s Greenland, and next time it will be Canada again. When they have the power and the courts are nutted, then it won’t be a distraction but an action.
If they push this signal thing it just might crack. Then maybe set them back a few months or a year. Then we can have the midterms and maybe just maybe get a handle on some of this shit.
I have had 4 double shots of espresso since lunch so I am rambling lol good luck homie everyone is going to need it.
He’s 100% serious and also using it as a distraction. Both things are true. For some reason everyone cares about the signal leak and only about half of us care about invading Greenland, or rendering immigrants to a slave prison.
Signal is a weakness and Greenland is an attempt at distraction. He fully intends to invade, but distraction is why he’s talking about it right now.
It’s all crazy talk until the flights of American troops and equipment start landing for an occupation force.
Scary times ahead for all, and Americans will struggle the most.
Scary times ahead for all, and Americans will struggle the most.
Well, except for the innocent people who will be invaded…
and Americans will struggle the most.
I keep trying to encourage Americans to put in the effort to stop Trump and his sycophants/minions from escalating this trade war into a shooting war.
So far they either ask me for a detailed plan to save their country from itself or say its pointless to even try…
You don’t understand.
People, everyday Americans don’t matter at all.
The trade war will destroy him, not because it hurts regular Americans, but because it hurts the rich and pisses them off and nobody messes with their meal ticket.
The trade war appears to be about market manipulation. And sewing distrust of America. By repeatedly flip flopping they can buy and sell and make a killing in the markets. His wealthy allies are in on it and won’t care at all.
This is what he was elected to do and it won’t hurt him at all with the people who matter.
It’s about dividing the West so the oligarchs, all the oligarchs everywhere, can take control.
Stupid oligarchs, China knows no such rules.
That’s what I intended with sewing distrust. It certainly looks like market manipulation to me as well though.
Some of us are taking steps to resist, including but not limited to protests. It is clearly not anywhere close to enough people, but the discontent and resistance is growing. Sadly, most people are shockingly apathetic about such things, yet act like sportsball is the most important thing in the world.
I feel like if Watergate happened half the country and most of Congress would find some way of justifying it and no one would even remember it happened a week later because something else equally insane would come up.
Watergate is such a tiny thing in comparison to what tiny hands has done. He has brought a mob to the capital to overthrow the government. Now he is just destroying the government from inside.
… because overthrow from without is soooo 2021
So what he’s telling us is that he’s wanting to fight a war on two fronts: one from within and one from without. I see. Very well then. He’s made his bed.
Goddamn we suck so hard right now.
Don’t even have to ask if we are the baddies
Yeah, I think that’s one of the scariest things. Previous presidents have done a lot of terrible things, but there’s always been a basic rhetoric of morality- at oeast a pretence that official policy us “the right thing”.
The US’s latest bunch of clown have openly hateful and dishonest language, without any sense of shame. I don’t even think we’ve seen the beginning of the level of cruelty a country can achieve when it suddenly abandons any rule of law or accountability.
“but there’s always been a basic rhetoric of morality- at oeast a pretence that official policy us “the right thing””
That’s what they taught me in school. It’s absolutely bullshit. This country was built on genocide to perpetrate slavery. It’s a warmongering nation that destroys other countries to ensure its own economic dominance on the world stage.
Really now? Including World War 3?
I wish Trump and his people to really go as far as they have to…And to stay there. Evena bit farther, I won’t complain
Instead of building a wall, they should build a dome around their country
May I please leave before they seal themselves in? Please?
I warned this for years and no one listened. I voted and lost. May I leave?
Nah bone spurs!
Please, Europe, just take this as a declaration war and attack the US now to nip this in the bud.
The sooner this child is stopped, the sooner the world can improve.
The worst part is that he is completely unhinged and I can easily imagine launching some nuclear nukes towards Europe.
And americans will cheer him on with their fat fists in the air.
This is definitely a ‘spare the rod, should the child’ situation. We need a spanking!
Kind of the whole point of nuclear dissuasion is that we are not, in fact, going to ever do that. And ignoring the existence of nukes (lol), attacking the US on their hometurf is such a monumentally stupid idea people still wonder what went through the Japanese High Command’s mind 80 years ago.
Stop asking Europe for help, because you’re not getting it. You’ve alienated your allies and broken your democracy beyond repair. Either use that 2nd amendment of yours to the fullest extent of its spirit or STFU with the “pwease stop him we’re scawed :(((” rhetoric. We have way more reasons to be scared because we don’t live next door to white cishet male Americans to shield us from his madness. Stop with the victim blaming. Either you stop this child or he starts a war with your assent.
If Trump was only an America problem, I would say the same thing you are saying.
I’m fine if the world attacks the US just enough so that Trump recedes to only the US.
What I am saying is that if Trump is making threats to the world, the world should take it seriously and deal with it now instead of letting him push boundaries without repercussions. His threats are going to just get bigger and hurt more people than when the threats are smaller.
The world needs to be on guard and protect itself.
You don’t mean this, do you? The EU attacking the military on which their individual armies depend, the greatest military of the largest economy on earth, would be incomprehensibly stupid. It’s utter fantasy, anyway. A dystopian fantasy that would involve more Europeans dying than Americans, that is if it wouldn’t devolve into nuclear war.
EDIT: not sure why I’m being downvoted for commenting on a fantasy of violence. I don’t think „please start World War III” is fun banter, sorry.
Come on UK. We need a Bond. James Luigi Bond to right this ship.
I wonder if Americans will wake up and start to push back when they and their families start dying for this stuff. Taking over other countries means death and not just to those who are being taken over.
It took soldiers freezing and dying in Stalingrad to realize Hitler didn’t care about them.
Push back how?
You lack imagination.
By playing a wholllllle lot of Minecraft ;)