That’s a huge word
salatsalad just to say “I’m an incel”salat
Found the Ger(wo)man.
Is female derogatory? I thought it was just a more scientific classification.
Edit: I work at a large engineering and manufacturing company where some of our products need to take into consideration the difference between male and female anatomy. I just hear “male” and “female” systems discussed on a weekly basis so I think I might sometimes refer to men and women as “male” and “female” outside of work without giving it a second thought.
I thought it was just a more scientific classification.
Scientifc classification by sex. Referring to others by their biological sex in a social context is weird and creepy. Even if you believe sex and gender are the same thing, it’s still weird to call people by their sex. “Hello, male human. Want to ingest some fried pieces of cow flesh tonight?”
Using female as a noun (rather than as an adjective, such as in the phrase “female firefighter”, or any phrase of the format “female $noun”) is generally overly clinical and dehumanizing. Some people do it out of habit due to their profession-- usually researchers or soldiers-- but they usually say “males and females”, which while still weird isn’t the worst.
The guys who say “men and females” are the ones you need to watch out for.
Ohhhhh Watch out for what ?
Incel bullshit
Sex-obsessed creep
I mean, you are the one that freaks out when someone mentions the word incel, so I’m thinking that applies to you more than me.
It is not. Americans are insane.
Found the incel!
Found a USian.
If you are calling a woman “a female”, and aren’t a cop discussing a victim or a doctor writing a chart, then yes, it’s fucking derogatory.
We’re not Ferengi.
Yep. A lot of incels seemingly are unfamiliar with scientific classification and try to use it in casual statements.
Like, they sound real stupid trying to redirect it to be about science then saying phrases like “boobs and tits”.
Using scientific terminology in colloquial speech is weird and creepy in most contexts. Calling kids “juveniles” and women “females” carries certain connotations, most of them bad.
It’s not inherently derogatory, but it does hold a connotation if you refer to women as females particularly in contexts where you wouldn’t/don’t refer to men as males.
Yes, using scientific terminology can be derogatory. But in this case, acting like the opposite sex is a species on its own, classifying them as animals and slurring all women as hoes gave it away for me.
I thought it was just a more scientific classification.
It’s a classification of sex like biological characteristics, like chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs. Are you asking about that?
Gender is a social construct. Just like race. Where you can be a Black person who is British. Or a Filipino American.
Edit: downvoters, you know you can literally open up a scientific book and verify for yourself, right? Downvotes don’t make a thing false.
“It’s Ma’am”
In most contexts, you’d just say…”people”.
Or, if you’re actually trying to make a demographic-wide statement, like how women aren’t good at video games, you’d just say:
Basically, the meme isn’t much meant for the word choice, it’s how often incels have statements to make on half the population.
Little princess?
Adorable little slut? 😡
My adorable little slut? 🥺
(it’s me, I’m the adorable slut)
Princess is a nasty thing to call a woman.
It’s a shitpost.
For me, the male equivalent is “little buddy”.
You can also hit your homies with “sport” or “squirt”. Squirt is funny to me as it’s like… Yep that’s how you were made.
that can still be infantilizing for an adult woman
“of the feminine species”
Uh, do you want to explain to this guy what a species is, or do I have to?
Well, he didn’t say persuasion, at least…
I love that this dumb dumb made a post on reddit. There are search engines, large language models, and the good ole thesaurus to find words that are synonyms. Figure. It. Out.
Ladies wasn’t used in the Original Post.
When playing a RPG of some sort, sometimes they give you the ability to reallocate all your talent points in a different way. Such as switching from melee focused to something magic oriented like a wizard or a witch. This is called a Respec, short for Re-specialization.
Respec sounds very similar to Respect. The Original Post is about respecting women.
I appreciate your interest in my comment, hope you have a nice day. Take care.
Thank you for your thorough explanation, I now understand the joke and will react accordingly:
“Heh, that’s pretty good.”
What is a woman?
Try taking to one and find out.
Someone who covers her drink when you enter the room
Wo-men? Well, I’ve heard of men, but this sounds like a foreign language to me.
‘Tarts’ implies sweetness
I think
Sir please stop licking the females
Tarts evoke the perception of a sour flavor profile for me. Like “tart” flavor is sour/tangy
Except “woman” doesn’t mean “female person” anymore, it means “anyone who identifies as a woman” because attaching any common noun at all for people based on sex rather than gender would be accused of transphobia.
It’s kind of like if someone asked what the term for the sexual orientation of someone who is interested in partners they could hypothetically reproduce with is, the answer is there isn’t one and suggesting there should be will get called transphobic.
partners they could hypothetically reproduce with
“fertile women”
“women capable of pregnancy”
Outdated, slight red flag option: “gynephile”
Or you could even try “I find women attractive and would love to have kids with the woman I love one day”
There, language isn’t that hard.
You’re actually demonstrating my point - I said “a common noun” for one and “a term” for the other. The whole point is that any “acceptable” language for those notions (a person of the sort who possesses female genitals and potentially has ova that she could hypothetically carry to term and identifies as a woman and a person attracted to the sort of person they might hypothetically be able to reproduce with) has to have at the very minimum an adjective if not an entire phrase attached to it.
For example, imagine someone tried to re-popularize the old English words to refer to cis folks, using wifmen for cis women in this example. That would immediately be deemed transphobic, specifically because it’s a common noun to refer specifically to cis women and not a shared category you have to use an adjective or phrase to differentiate from.
Same thing applies to orientation - we have a lot of words for sexual orientations. But a word for a person who is attracted to cis people of a given sex relative to one’s own is unacceptable - the very idea that there could be a term for it is transphobic. Despite sexual attraction being one of those rare cases where what genitals you have and whether or not they’re the original equipment is actually relevant.
Also wouldn’t “gynephile” meaning one who has an attraction to women still not be precise enough, since women includes trans women by definition, at least the feminine ones?
I think you’re just chronically online. Just say female if you’re in a conversation and want to exclude trans women. Most trans people won’t care as long if the context isn’t transphobic. I really don’t see why it’s unacceptable to have an adjective if you’re describing a subset of women. Like there’s not a singular noun for “tall men” but if you’re actually not being transphobic then whatever.
Again with sexual orientation, it sounds like you’re saying that because chronically online. There are people who say it’s transphobic to say straight but exlude trans people. Again, context and intent matters. You can just say straight. This one is tricker because not all trans people have surgically transitioned, genital preference matters, and orientation is a spectrum.
And it’s a tough subject within the trans community itself, because it’s frustrating to present as a gender, transition in every way to that gender, be accepted and pass for that gender, only for someone to say they aren’t attracted to you only after they find out you’re trans. What other conclusion would you have other than transphobia? And it doesn’t help that it often is accompanied by blatant transphobia.
So if someone is calling you transphobic, either the context is also transphobic or they’re misunderstanding your intent.
So that hypothetic person is turned off by learning someone is infertile for any reason?
Let’s say yes, since we’re in a hypothetical. Breeding fetish, perhaps? Maybe just someone who’s specifically looking for a long term relationship leading into children?
You thought you ate with this comment 😂
Is it hypothetical because no one has wanted to reproduce with you for some elusive reason?
Just say what you mean. Intersex and trans people exist. For example, “menstruator” or “people who menstruate” if you’re talking about periods. Not all women menstruate, not everyone who menstruates is a woman, and hell, there are plenty of people who have uteruses but don’t menstruate. It’s way clearer and inclusive.
Somehow this stuck with me, and while you are correct, in any conversation about menses I’d probably want to include the people who eg. use contraceptive methods that temporarily stop them, and people whose periods are so irregular they simply don’t know if the next one is coming or not (my group). Personally I’d also want to include and hear from people who used to menstruate but no longer do, or who are likely to start soon.
In statistics afaik they tend to use “women of fertile age”, which makes sense for those purposes, to limit it to one clear-cut group for clarity. In gynecology for individual patients I don’t think any term is used, just a list of properties (“G0P0 menarche 12 cycle 28 duration 5 normal flow, last period 1.1.2025”) and then you move on to the issue.
And that’s for periods, a relatively clear-cut thing. Then you get to “people who had the female/male experience when growing up”, or “people who perform the traditionally female/male role in a relationship” or the like.
Do you often find yourself in discussions where the trans-inclusivity/exclusivity of the term is important to know?
Because whenever I use “men, guys” or any other such term, whether it includes trans people doesn’t even cross my mind. Like the discussions if we should welcome “guy friends” at our girls’ game and gossip nights, or if I’m being too naive around “men”. Talking about “males” like an alien species would be weird and mildly offensive. (Mildly because the Finnish word “uros” can imply admiration for a man’s masculinity.)
If you wanted a term for potential partners you could possibly reproduce with, none of the “female, woman, male, man” terms by itself would do, because (even personally known) infertility for various reasons exists.
I call em Snatchers
Is the cute name “beaver” still used?
Are Beavers really cute? The teeth of these large water rodents are orange because they are full of iron; these teeth never stop growing.
But if you are being serious, women don’t really like being reduced to names that refer to their pudendum. It is objectifying.
Source: Canadian woman.
Edit: just realized which sub this is posted in. Oh well, think of the vocab word “Pudendum” as my Xmas gift to you. (Refers to a woman’s external genitals, ie. vulva.)
Of course women don’t like being reduced to names. But all hetero males do it. It starts with little boys in grammar school and no matter how old you are it never stops. Now this is not something that a normal guy would ever say out loud to a woman but they are thinking it just the same. Human nature has embedded this into the hetero male DNA. It’s not a denegration of women. Every male has a mother, sister, or daughter and would never want them disrespected.
As far as male slang terms for vagina, I think it’s a long list. Though I don’t think women use many slang terms for male anatomy. I’d guess because sex for a woman is mostly emotional. For a guy, while it may be emotional it is foremost a fun physical activity which makes it easier to joke about. Remembering back to my grammar school days, I believe the origin of “beaver” is that back then women had lots of pubic hair. Pubic hair trimming and “landing pads” were not in vogue. And the pubic hair surrounding a vagina sort of had the look of a “beaver”.
feminine species
I call them flighty broads