ID: A scene from Legally Blonde of a conversation between Warner and Elle in the corridor at Harvard, in 4 panels:
Warner asks “What happened to the tolerant left?”
Elle replies, smiling “Who said we were tolerant?”
Warner continues “I thought you were supposed to be tolerant of all beliefs!”
Elle looks confused “Why would we tolerate bigotry, inequity, or oppression?”
bigotry, inequity, and oppression
That’s the literal opposite of DEI… Is this where they got it from? 🤯
No Elons allowed
Fuck tolerance.
See? It’s that easy. No paradoxes required.
Normally when I hear this, good things follow.
We tolerate the shitty uncle who gets drunk and says stupid shit at thanksgiving.
We punch Nazis in the face.
I don’t tolerate maga folks. I just kind of ignore them, and don’t allow them to be a part of my life.
I do have republican and conservative friends. I do not have any maga friends.
I do have republican and conservative friends.
So you’ll tolerate a little bigotry, as a treat… 🙄
For what it’s worth, a non zero amount of republicans and conservatives didn’t vote for Trump, probably in no small part due to the people in their life who remind them of their humanity. You might not be surprised to hear of estranged family becoming more radicalized by the right once they’ve been cut off. I have people in my life who are conservative and will never believe that abortion is acceptable, but I have been able to share stories of where it was medically necessary and they have changed their mind on supporting a total ban. Is that great? No, not really, but it’s certainly something. I don’t know that I’d call these people “friends” because I don’t really like them or share with them in the way I would my actual friends, but I have had them in my home. Unfortunately, changing hearts and minds requires a little buy in. It’s not always safe for everyone to do, and I get that, but people love to show stories of people becoming deradicalized while hating on people engaging in deradicalization. There are people out there who say “conservatives are good people they’re just misguided”, and I don’t really believe that, but I do believe they can BECOME good people. Obviously, some are a lost cause, but some can be pulled back to reality. I had a Hollywood is all trans/they’re hiding the true science (not a flat earther, just not a believer in the globe??) coworker I eventually turned into a socialist. That doesn’t happen overnight, and if they don’t at least consider you friendly, you’re not gonna see any movement.
You can disengage from political debate and only engage in infighting with your own party or what not, good for you.
Considering most peoples get their politics from their parents and it’s more a football team mentality, I think you’re a little off.
Yes. Outreach is an important part of helping people change their minds.
It’s the same reason you shouldn’t fuck with Jehovah’s Witnesses. By treating them badly, you increase the feeling of isolation they have towards broader society and shove them further into the clutches of the cult.
I think one problem is that Dems have been screaming that every republican candidate in my lifetime will end democracy.
Many republicans have become immune to introspection because of this.
If we label everyone who disgrees with us a fascist it doesn’t serve any purpose, and most likely hinders the progress we’re trying to make.
Every Republican candidate in your lifetime (and tbf many Democrats) did end democracy. It wasn’t any single particular instant, but at this point we’ve been living under oligarchy for over a decade.
You’re right in general, but those screaming Dems were right too.
That’s pretty reductionist and also untrue.
It’s hard to reconcile, but here are actually Republicans and conservatives that aren’t bigots.
They’re a minority, and a quickly fading one, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
Remember, the Republican party of today was formed post civil rights. People cling to their identity and ideas long after reality has left them behind.
Does that make them stupid? No more or less than anyone that clings to any party affiliation past when the party changes.
But there is movement away from the Republican party by those that weren’t bigots that bought into the whole idea (falsely claimed) of reduced government control and free market ideals.
While I tend to think those stances are pretty fucking dumb to begin with, it isn’t bigotry.
The other problem is that as those leave, even more bigots pull off their masks and some of the extremist bigots that weren’t previously engaged in the political structure jump on board.
People are very stupid. We all are in some way or another, usually multiple some ways. One of those forms of stupidity is thinking that change from the inside is the only choice. Another is that you have to pick someone to vote for. Another is that you can resist bigots by engaging with them. And all of those are common among the non bigot Republicans.
I keep running into Republicans and ex Republicans and having to remind them that the party as it exists is not the party they thought it was, that it has used dog whistling and other tools of the so called southern strategy so long and so well that it has transformed into something even worse than the left thought possible.
But they are not all bigots.
That being said, there’s also a good bit of ACAB present too. Those non bigots are still part of the problem, they’re just as responsible for it happening. I would call it ARAB, but that’s a pretty horrible initialism lol. But that’s why identity politics is a horrible thing.
You don’t get it. They are just voting for fascism, but they are not fascists themselves. It’s totally cool. Nothing to worry about.
This is exactly why my mother is no longer a part of my life. Shes not long for this world (morbid obesity, and severe unchecked mental health issues) and she voted for trump. Leaving me and my 9 year old son to exist in a wasteland of what used to be America. As great as America could have been, it never was. It was so close, yet so far. And then, as good as we had it (not that great) she voted to make it a hundred times worse. And that was it. She simply didn’t care enough about me or my son to do what’s right for the country, and now she dies alone. And it sucks, I wish it was different, but wishing doesn’t change things. And now it’s on her to wish for better things. I blocked her # and all of her side of the family, which keeps texting me to resolve it, people I haven’t talked to in 25 years.
Like fuck off. It’s over. Consider yourself lucky if you don’t live to see the culmination, but I won’t be around to bother to care.
For what it’s worth, a non zero amount of republicans and conservatives didn’t vote for Trump, probably in no small part due to the people in their life who remind them of their humanity. You might not be surprised to hear of estranged family becoming more radicalized by the right once they’ve been cut off. I have people in my life who are conservative and will never believe that abortion is acceptable, but I have been able to share stories of where it was medically necessary and they have changed their mind on supporting a total ban. Is that great? No, not really, but it’s certainly something. I don’t know that I’d call these people “friends” because I don’t really like them or share with them in the way I would my actual friends, but I have had them in my home. Unfortunately, changing hearts and minds requires a little buy in. It’s not always safe for everyone to do, and I get that, but people love to show stories of people becoming deradicalized while hating on people engaging in deradicalization. There are people out there who say “conservatives are good people they’re just misguided”, and I don’t really believe that, but I do believe they can BECOME good people. Obviously, some are a lost cause, but some can be pulled back to reality. I had a Hollywood is all trans/they’re hiding the true science (not a flat earther, just not a believer in the globe??) coworker I eventually turned into a socialist. That doesn’t happen overnight, and if they don’t at least consider you friendly, you’re not gonna see any movement.
I mean, Joe Biden is right of center on the political spectrum. So are all neoliberal centrist democrats now facists?
Did you mean to reply to me? Not sure what this has to do with my comment.
Yes wrong person thanks
Oops I responded to this comment on the wrong place
… Joe Biden is right of center politically. Do you consider every neoliberal centrist democrat and republican fascist?
tolerance is a contract not a gift
I like this but I’m not even sure it’s such a paradox - if you are tolerating people who do not follow that social contract then can you call yourself a part of the tolerant group yourself? It is a necessary part of being tolerant to reject the intolerant.
If one tolerates all actions other than those causing harm to non-consenting others (basically “adults can do whatever they want with themselves and with other consenting adults”) which is sort of the traditional maximum tolerance boundary, one will tolerate many practices which, whilst not amounting to causing harm to non-consenting others, do spread intolerance.
From where rises the Paradox that such choice of putting one’s boundary of Tolerance at the maximum level possible actually ends up in aggregate reducing Tolerance.
Making it a social contract reduces the boundaries of tolerance by the minimum amount possible that’s needed to just stop Tolerance from allowing the very tools of its destruction to work.
Under “social contract rules”, at a personal level those who are NOT tolerant of intolerance are, very strictly speaking, being less tolerant, but at a Systemic Level they are actually making there be more Tolerance in aggregate than if they had tolerated the intolerant.
PS: I actually work in Systems Design (amongst other things) and it’s actually quite common for certain ways of doing things which are perfect at the individual level will in aggregate cause systemic problems making the whole function worse, so the optimal choice for the whole is actually to use a less optimal individual choice. Thinking about it, I would say that pretty much all Tragedy Of The Commons situations are good examples of that kind of thing.
Mind you the actual tragedy that happened at the commons is that the rich fucking stole them.
Any “solution” to “protect” the Commons that involves private ownership of it is always meant to make somebody very wealthy from it.
The original Commons (things like pasture spaces with no owners and shared use by the community) were all stolen from the community and given owners already way back in Monarchic times (for example, via Inclosure Acts in England) and Capitalism is just a continuation of Monarchy were the reduction of choices for the riff-raff is a bit more disguised so that people think they are free and hence are more productive for the Owner Class.
I think there’s a subvariety of “paradox” which aren’t actually paradoxes, but we call them that because at some point, the name stuck
It’s not a paradox because nobody says that absolutely anything anyone does is fine. There are always rules to acceptable behavior in society. The “paradox of tolerance” is a strawman.
I once heard a professor of physics tell us that paradoxes were just questions posed incorrectly (paraphrasing since we weren’t speaking English, sorry if I wrote it in a confusing way) and I’ve never stopped thinking about it that way
The liar’s paradox would beg to differ!
This doesn’t eliminate the paradox. Why does the contract exist in the first place?
It’s a moral standard. If moral people didn’t decide that tolerance was a good thing for society, the contract wouldn’t exist.
So yes, thinking about it as a contract sidesteps the paradox, but the paradox still exists.
So Karl Popper was still right and society shouldn’t tolerate the intolerant.
There’s no paradox. Although, Karl Popper’s words are as good as any.
My point is, no one said “the left have to tolerate everything.” In fact, not tolerating capitalism is the defining feature of all left leaning ideologies. More so, where you are on the scale of leftism is based almost entirely on the extent to which you won’t tolerate capitalism. Rhetorically, for what possible reason would the left ever have to tolerate nazis, in the first place? Who said they did? Where are they? Of course, no one said they did.
I found it’s best to, rightly, just reject the false premise of it being a paradox out of hand. The type who use it know its BS too.
You just need to tolerate their life and continued living, don’t need to give them anything more.
Sounds exactly like how someone might justify things like internment camps, forced sterilization, and segregation.
“Hey, they’re alive and continuing to live, so what’s the problem?”
Well, no the argument would be to remove them otherwise. It’s AGAINST that stuff.
Life is sacred, even filth deserve to live. Dont support their business, dont serve them, eventually they will be off on their own and “segregate” themselves. If it’s their own doing and choice so they can survive, well they can be their own “remote tribe” and be with their own kind.
They’re free to change their views and rejoin society, nothing is being forced on them or anything.
We incarcerate people in jail when they’ve done something we’ve deemed wrong as a society and they are supposed to be changed and put back into society. How would this be any different? Why are going to eugenics lmfao, that’s a wild stretch dude.
Nah let’s fuck em up fam.
Basically, I want my various types of weirdness tolerated by others. Others want their weirdness tolerated. We mutually agree that it’s beneficial to each of us to tolerate each other. This gets expanded to other forms of weirdness. So long as it doesn’t significantly impinge on others who dont want it, we have no reason not to be tolerant of others. This is the social contract.
Intolerance inherently impinges on others. While it might not impinge on my personal weirdness, I will still fight against it. I know it could be me next, and I would hope others would stand with me then. In turn, I will do that for others, both because it is right (in my mind) and because I don’t want to be targeted next.
I will default to assuming people are happy with the contract. If they demonstrate disagreement, or contempt for the contract, then I withdraw its protections.
Tolerant left? Leftists barely tolerate other Leftists!
Damn Leftists! They ruined the Left!
other ‘leftists’ post legally blonde dialogue as ‘lefty meme’ content…
Is Legally Blonde not left enough for you?
its more an aversion to cliquey identity memes in general, but yeah, legally blonde is part of it
Legally Blonde taught me that attractive people are able to do the type of things that regular people can do.
I hold it very near and dear to my heart.
Did you also get the part about how people with stereotypical high fem gender expression who are often described as “ditzy” by a misogynistic society can be intelligent even though they like “girly” things?
That wanting to dress a certain way and naturally having a certain personality or way of speaking doesn’t define who you are or what you can do or how good at your job you are?
That in a male dominated field you should be able to express yourself even though the industry wants you to conform and “tone it down” and “not be so emotional” and also smile less but not too much less or else you’re “bitchy”? That diversity is good and helps bring in new ideas/perspectives?
No that part went over my head.
Yeah, exactly like that! ^
Literally had this same chat with an old redpilled friend.
I am not sure if ‘tolerance’ is what we should be aiming for. More understanding and acceptance instead.
The bare minimum is tolerance.
What does tolerance mean?
Every time I hear or read that phrase, all I can think is “BITCH I NEVER SAID I WAS TOLERANT OF YOUR SHIT”
Tolerating intolerance isn’t tolerance. It’s bigotry.
Tolerance isn’t acceptance.
The problem I found with the American left this past year as an outsider looking in, is that they all splintered into groups and started seeing the other group on the left as “just as bad as trump”, nobody was “left” enough to be an ally for anyone’s rigid tastes. The left fought among itself for labels, while the conservatives on the right were united.
I understand a lot of it for the younger left had to do with gaza but to anyone else, it’s clear Netanyahu and Musk and other oligarchs planned this out and the American left bought it and let Trump win.
All you can do is unify and strengthen and cut out fascists and fix your country, stop trying to be world police if you can’t even fix yourself.
‘But being world police is the only thing that helps us forget about our problems!’
-People who consume too much propaganda
This is a direct result of the same propoganda networks that fed trumpism. Primarily, youtube and tiktok because they feed the populate with video after video that the algorithm chooses for them. It amplifies any divisiveness we have to split us into factions.
Yeah, I’ve started watching some YouTube lately for the first time ever, and it certainly seems to want me to be conservative incel.
Previously I never watched YouTube because the ads were so intrusive and annoying, now I’m about ready to give up because most of what the algorithm shows me is offensive. Whether it truly thinks I’m conservative, such as based on demographics it shouldn’t have, or knows I’m not but thinks stirring up outrage will keep me coming back, they might be wrong
ah right, its not that genocide is wrong in all cases, its that the dumb left was the victim of propoganda, which you are clearly too smart to be influenced by. Which is why you voted for genocide.
Makes perfect sense.
If only the dumb left had voted for genocide, Biden the hyper zionist would have been reelected and he for sure would have stopped the genocide, right?
And then you go on to say:
stop trying to be world police
How is funding a genocide “being the police”? oh… wait I see. You mean the US police go around doing crimes with impunity and no accountability. OK, you’re right on that one.
You can hate the Biden/Harris stance on Gaza as much as you like (and there’s good reason to). But if you failed to vote for the obviously less bad option, you are partially responsible for the actions of the obviously even worse option.
You could go into all manner of discussions about how being all but forced to vote for the lesser evil because of a broken and corrupt electoral system is terrible and a major systematic issue. And there’s a lot of merit there as well. But at the end of the day, those systems were not on the ballot.
You actively failed to do the bare minimum for the people of Gaza, along with many other groups of people inside and outside the US just so you could watch the suffering from a slightly higher horse.
As a leftist I cannot stand most leftests. Typically ones from blue states because they tend to have a very warped view of why some of these red areas are the way they are. When you grow up isolated from the rest of the country and your only connection is the internet and the one racist uncle who lives near one of the bigger cities of the state you are going to have some fucked up views.
Honestly, I have no idea how I did not end up being a republican.
Edit: case in point; the down votes. If you do not understand your enemy all you can do is lose. And I am someone who hates them.
Grew up in a conservative religious household, ended up a lefty because people who understood how to talk to outsiders without being fucking assholes about it made me question my beliefs.
I see the same problem as you with many lefties today: they have no ability to understand conservatives, and seemingly no desire either. They will choose the dumbest fucking hills to die on (drag queen story hour for example) instead of attempting an ounce of empathy.
You could talk to conservatives about corporate welfare or how inequality causes the economy to slow down rather than grow, leading to discussions about taxation, unionization, maybe even shorter workweeks! Nope gotta focus on some obscure identity shit: putting gender neutral bathrooms in city hall while your city’s homelessness doubles is a sign your priorities are stupid. Focus on material, actionable things and actually talk to people: conservatives will respond to that.
The left doesn’t even tolerate the left.
Damn Leftists! They ruined the Left!
I thought that was millennials. What’s the latest thing MSM claims they’ve ruined now?
This misrepresents what tolerance is
We tolerate people that hold those beliefs in that they are allowed to exist in open society where they can be called out
We realize that hiding those people away doesn’t get rid of them, it just lets their views grow unchallenged
Lol, nope. You actually have it entirely backward.
Nazis can never win arguments. They can’t. Their ideology is not based on reality. It’s not based on material conditions. It’s not based on convincing others to join them with hard data or well reasoned positions. Nazis win people over by talking to them. They win people over because people who are privileged are opposed to any recognition of that, and above else want to continue to be privileged.
You will never lose a rational debate with a Nazi. It’s not really possible, because the nazi will never make rational arguments with you. Nazis instead will allude to conspiracies. They will allude to secret shadow societies that control everyone and that have the explicit goal of upending class hierarchy to take away privilege. Pay attention next time you see a Nazi argue something. See the language they use and see the way they position reality. Nazis lose rational debates. So they never have them to begin with.
Nazis will instead reach for the nearest loudest microphone and will scream their bigotry as loud as possible. They print newspapers, they do interviews, they famously were highly intertwined with radio networks, and so on. The method by which their ideology spreads is by subversion. It’s by creating fear of a secret other controlling everyone. The sad fact of the reality is that you cannot argue against that subversion. The argument isn’t rational to begin with, rationality cannot disprove it in the minds of those who believe it. A core part of the conspiracies are actually that anyone who argues against them is a part of the conspiracy. Any opposition to Nazism comes from those secret shadow society elements, and so any argument against it can be immediately dismissed.
Simply put, no. The marketplace of ideas is actually perfect for Nazis. If Nazis can’t create mass subversive fear of minorities then they cannot recruit. The KKK has largely been expelled from society for the past century (not entirely). You’d think that in a hundred years if, recruiting from the shadows was better for them, membership would be most of the country. Say what you will about American fascism the average voter definitely doesn’t think positively about the KKK.
Speaking with a Nazi posits that their ideology has the same value as yours. By engaging in a debate with a Nazi, which they won’t win but will instead use the opportunity to further spread Nazi ideology, you legitimate Nazism as a valid position to take. Now someone can be a Nazi, it’s okay to be one you can be a Nazi and still deserve the respect of an audience.
Nazis should be expelled from society in their entirety. Neoliberal propaganda has convinced you that all ideas have value. They do not. Killing minorities is inherently wrong. Spreading ideology that advocates the genocide of minorities is inherently wrong. Nazis should be met with a fist. Their media should be dismantled, and they should be imprisoned or expelled from society. Time and time again we arrive at this same place. When I wonder will anyone actually learn?
The argument isn’t rational to begin with, rationality cannot disprove it in the minds of those who believe it.
So, people are just powerless to do anything but follow at the call of bigotry & disinformation, and they’re witless masses totally unamenable to reason? Got it.
The KKK has largely been expelled from society for the past century (not entirely).
That’s a weird example: white supremacists & KKK spoke openly and terrorized with complicit support of local & state authorities during the civil rights movement. Despite that, the civil rights movement prevailed. Without understating the difficulties, challenging reprehensible ideas is evidently possible.
Speaking with a Nazi posits that their ideology has the same value as yours.
No: association fallacy. Now you’re being irrational. You were before, but are now, too. It merely means we disagree, same as rebutting someone who is wrong.
Nazis should be expelled from society in their entirety.
Unless we exterminate them or deport them (where?), I don’t see how we do that. Maybe you mean suppress them from freely expressing themselves? Sacrificing any civil rights to achieve any of that is almost certainly an unjust threat to civil rights. Maybe you prioritize civil rights, too, but think sacrificing them is necessary to defend them?
Neoliberal propaganda has convinced you that all ideas have value.
No. We’re merely convinced bad causes can be defeated justly, because it’s been done before.
Sometimes I wonder if these types of claims discouraging the healthy, open discourse we had decades ago are disinformation designed (1) to make people think the effort is futile and (2) to inflame & harden polarization. Same with comics like this.
You’re wrong, and all you have to do to realise it is look around (hint: when you allow bigotry to exist in open society, aka, tolerate it, it will keep growing like the fucking cancer that it is).
The problem with current society is that many of those places are closed
Social media can filter out being called out (look at what elon did with twitter) or qanon
Fox News doesn’t have labels calling their propaganda false
We tolerate people that hold those beliefs in that they are allowed to exist in open society where they can be called out
This point is hugely important, but not for the reason that you intended.
You are mistaken on an essential aspect of your argument: calling out bigoted or discriminatory views out is the definition of not tolerating them. At the same time, the bigotry you’re describing - not permitting people to exist in open society - is exactly the reason we cannot tolerate those kind of views.
The essence of bigotry is that entire categories of individuals don’t deserve the same rights as others. People who hold those views aren’t interested in debating the issue because they believe that their opponents don’t deserve the right to be part of the discussion.
One side is saying that we cannot tolerate these views. The other side is saying that they will not tolerate our humanity.
This isn’t a perspective that is subject to change by reason.
People who hold those views aren’t interested in debating the issue
It’s not for them, it’s for other people that they would otherwise convince
I think you missed my point entirely.
I feel like your entire point boiled down to not being able to convince Nazis but neglected that the public is stupid and easy to manipulate
No, that’s an incorrect summation of one part of my argument.
The response to your comment is in my second sentence.
I mean, Warner just doesn’t understand tolerance.
Capacity implies there is a limit. Well, asshole, they have reached the limit.
If you can only tolerate your own perspective that makes you a bigot though.
That would be no tolerance. The absence of tolerance. Intolerant.
So bigots can’t tolerate their own perspectives? White supremacists are therefor very tolerant people.
I’ve met white supremacists who gatekeep whiteness to such a degree that there is no tolerance; you have to be literally 100% a specific type of white. Which is nonsense, but they believe it nonetheless.