They’re lucky not to know, doop fell hard off after it was acquired by Skoot Corp.
I’m still so mad at the Skoot Corp CEO for that ridiculous re-skeet where they memed the javalina charrp boys on doop.
Am I having the stroke? Or is everyone else?
We’re all part of the stroke
Is that still called a circlejerk?
Personally, I loved the idea of new media. Cable was shit.
After experiencing new media… there’s some good stuff in there, guys. I promise. Just gotta wade through mountains of shit.
There should be some rule like; if you have a preference it can’t exist all by itself unless it’s watered down or mixed in with every other preference.
Thank all that is good for genres. At least there is some media that can define itself clearly enough and still build enough of a following to self fund.
If its good enough, the news of it will get to me eventually and I will see for myself.
This is how I live now.
This is what it means to be old.
I’m 34.
My friend with young cousins was telling me that kids are using “sigma” instead of “cool” now?
“That’s so sigma, bruh.”
The fuck?
Start speaking in Greek to them. Asspro means white.
I’m something of an asspro myself
'The fuck" is now “what the sigma” at least that’s what I gathered from lurking on shitposting communities
Edit: and I’m deeply afraid of using it around people who don’t know what that means. And also around people who do know what it means.
50% of what Gen X thinks is zoomer slang is actually jokes at zoomer slang’s expense
reminds me of that oprah show when a lady reads out then contemporary teenage sexual slang and it’s so obvious the kids were fucking with her
wdym I went to SO many rainbow parties as a 9 year old
You keep joking about Doop and it’s going to come true.
Just remember folks, those 2007 people are able to vote now.
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I just aged 40 years
Fuck im 25 and feel 40, this is why I will not shy away from my day of destined death. I can feel that it’ll be before I’m 40 and I frankly want nothing to do with being 40.
Also 25, and looking forward to my inevitable death too!
I’m frostysauce (44) and this is why I drink.
One day you’ll wake up and realize people born on the year you graduated school can legally vote, drink, etc. A short time later those kids have kids of their own … and you are ( or are old enough to be ) a grandparent.
The worst part is you’ll still mentally feel like you’re not much older than your late 20s or 30s.
I dunno, I’m in my mid-50s and I feel like I’m about 100. The world today is just so different from that of my childhood in the '70s.
My older sister was a grandmother at age 34. 30’s is literally grandparent age to my great nephew and great niece who are approaching their teens.
Na, being 40 is fine. I’m 45, eat well and get a little exercise. I am healthier than I was in my 20’s, I have more stamina and I think more clearly.
I’m 38 and I feel 40, and you know…none of it has been worth anything.
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just wait until you’re 34 and feel 68
Luckily by the time you get there I’m sure you will feel it will be yourself soon, and will be more a feeling of existential dread than a fear of loss.
But what makes it sad, death is the harm of deprivation, presupposing lack, loss, or absence of some future goods. At the same time, people deprived of things valuable for them try to acquire them joining some movements or struggling for some privileges.
Perhaps I should’ve spelled out why I am so willing to embrace death. I do not care about myself and of the general opinion that I could do more for mankind by throwing myself into violence. I wish to make someone I hate or who opposes my end goals bleed out right alongside me, I ain’t picky. The problem is that even if I end up like my 3X great grandfather and practically don’t age till I’m 70 I would still face some amount of slowdown in my physical or mental faculties, slowdown that may make me less effective.
The only way I could be convinced otherwise would be if I could purge my biological fathers blood from my veins. Or if I do my damnedest to get myself killed and somehow survive. Not like I’m rushing into it, I swore an oath to my friends that I wouldn’t do anything unless I get a Stamford bridge.
Don’t worry, they won’t. (at least most of them)
You’ve seen boomer humor. Get ready for milly mirth
There’s a whole lot of people who are basically famous with being famous…
And most of them have the surname “Kardashian”.
If you mean the literal Kardashians, they’re only a dozen, but figuratively it’s like a genericised trademark and there are thousands of people like that.
I wasn’t a huge fan the first couple times I saw this meme but it’s growing on me now.
Be patient, Mr./Mrs./Ms. CumFart
I feel seen.
I wish it was like that, reality is there’s like 3 platforms that make you IRL famous. Youtube, Twitch and TIk Tok.
I mean OnlyFans too
Is Baby Gronk the new Drip King, or is he just getting rizzed up by Livvy?
I love that yours is entirely real but it feels just as fake as the entirely fake one you are replying too 🤣
entirely real
I will press (Gen) X to doubt…
Let me pack my bag, I’m off to Shady Pines!
These posts feel like Interdimensional Cable from Rick and Morty.
Streamer on doop? Do they know Zapp?
“I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies.”
(at least Zapp remembered how to pronounce champagne by that episode)
Name is uppercut but the picture is the hundred (thousand?) Hand slap. Great work.
It’s from the sf2 turbo snes box art-- the uppercut is getting slapped out of frame
“You win again, gravity!”
I’m a school bus driver and my elementary school kids go on about somebody named “Queso” (sp?) on Youtube and I find myself constantly fighting the urge to see what he’s all about. It can’t possibly be good.
I guess he won streamer of the year in 2024 - that was the first I’d heard of him
He’s a streamer whose chat makes fun of him for being fat. Caseoh.
I used to work at a hikers’ hostel on the Appalachian Trail. A group of hikers needed a ride into town but were short on cash. One of them suggested they offer the hostel owner some weed in exchange for a ride. Another one said, “He doesn’t smoke weed. He’s old, like in his 40s.” He actually was in his 50s and bought his weed from me lol
“We are the first to do this.” -every young cohort going back through time
“The young ones are lacking conservative quality that we had” - Every old cohort going back through time
Ah the duality of humans :p
Also “the fucking old people caused this mess and are standing in the way of fixing it. We need them to die off so we can turn it around”
There has never been a young generation not saying this. Many of them have been correct too, but few have turned anything around when it’s their turn.
I feel like GenX said, “The fucking old people caused this mess and are standing in the way of fixing it. We need them to die off so someone else can turn it around, but there aren’t enough of us so it’s probably up to the younger generations.”
We never had a lot of collective ambition, which I guess is good because our parents still won’t let go of power.
Yeah. But if we’re talking about Baby Boomers, they really leaned into the “caused a mess and standing in the way of fixing it.”
For over 50 years they had every advantage that’s now denied young people, and as a cohort, Boomers are the shining example of failing upwards. They now roost at the top of whatever ladder they bumbled up and exist primarily to punch downwards.
So, I don’t know that your pattern holds true for the specific epoch of the last 50-60 years, as, for the first time in modern history younger generations are worse off than their parents or grandparents. And that blame can readily be heaped at the feet of “Generation Me,” who have broadly, and uniformly worked to maximize their personal wants at the cost of any economic, social, emotional, environmental, or financial impediment that got in their way. Even now, Baby Boomers suck the air out of politics and C-suites across the country, adamant that they are still relevant and that their opinions are as good as facts.
It’s hard for me to feel sympathy for them, when instance after instance of what brought us to this point can be directly tied to their behavior.
Why even care about those “celebrities”? Stuff they do is usually mediocre at best anyways.
Listening to what their interests are is a good way to connect with much younger (or much older!) people. I’ll happily listen to a kid explain Fortnite to me, or my to grandpa talk about his favourite TV show. I’ll ask them some questions about it and get a conversation going.
It’s not about caring, it’s just about even knowing what business they’re in.
I’m an old coot, I know some names like something paul, mr beast or pewdiepie, from when I was on reddit years ago, I know those guys are “youtuber” because I saw the thumbnail, but I have no clue what they do or what they speak of or why they would be famous?!? I don’t watch youtube, first because comments are toxics, it takes too much time, who spent hours listening/watching some rants by some guy in his basement?!? I’m like an out of touch skinner :)
From what i can tell, YT comments have actually improved over the years. Still plenty of garbage, but it’s bearable and there is some real discussion sometimes now.
Bot spam is now backed by LLM technology
Youtubers are different than movie, music, and tv stars.
I’m old school too though, i could be wrong at this point.
Makes sense from that POV, I guess. Although I’d probably rather talk about hobbies and stuff instead
You can do all of the above.
I mean, are they materially worse than Paris Hilton and Kimberly Kardashian? Or the Jersey Shore crowd? I’m not here to judge.
But I didn’t really follow them when I was age-appropriate to care about that shit, anyway. Was too busy reading blogs about the newest feature list of an up-and-coming MMORPG or tearing through the latest edition of my favorite TTRPG, because I was focused on what truly mattered.
At some point, its not an age thing, its just a taste thing. I could probably name more web comix artists and indie board games than C-list celebrities and Reality TV shows, and that’s fine.