Oh, so right-wing men with the right genes are the chad and everyone else is the soyjak.
Truly an “interesting observation,” thanks Elon.
And by “right genes” they mean “my Daddy is rich” of course.
I think he’s also including racists and other misanthropes.
It claims Chads and Autistics are the master race.
So does this mean the “meathead” stereotype is dead or…
The post is starting out with the wrong assumptions so naturally it’s conclusions are wrong, top tier shitpost.
In the old days we’d use this kind of pseudoscience for mischief (you know, trolling), now it’s disinformation spread by useful idiots to upend their democracies.
In the old old days, this was referred to as “religion” and was used to keep “those people” in their “place”…
I’m autistic and I’ve never heard the term ‘aneurotypical’ before…
They mean neuroatypical, which is the same as neurodivergent. Just decided to spell it weirdly for some reason.
Neurotypical exists. Neurodivergent is the more “leftist” or scientific term for what they mean.
Guess “divergent” is to edgy for today’s people.
Or they just don’t want to be reminded of a terrible movie.
Neurodivergent/atypical/aneurotypical are more broad terms, and cover things like ADHD, bipolar, DID, etc.
EDIT: Heat exhausted me, and couldn’t think well…
Neurotypical means literally none of those things, it’s the exact opposite. I think you mean neurodivergent or neuroatypical. Aneurotypical is basically a misspelling of the latter.
Imagine thinking that you’re tougher than context.
Good point.
The funny part is that the conservatives are the ones who are, by nature, authoritarian followers.
Truly ironic
“Critical thinking skills only count if they’re MY critical thinking skills” do they not see the irony?
Or if they’re like a few people I know…whose critical thinking skills are “parrot opinions from someone who I think is almost as smart as me (according to me) because I exclusively listen to them”
There is a baseline assumption that “logical thinking” means everyone reaches the same conclusions.
It largely depends on what lense you parse your logic through, if its the lense of accumulating wealth and power you will almost always reach the same conclusion, the same if you use dialectical Materialism you will almost always reach yhe same conclusion. In the first instance you wont be able to understand how others can’t see the truths that are burning into your retinas, while in the latter truth you will understand exactly why they avoid the rubric of logic which brings makes their lifestyle unable to accept they are everythig wrong with the world and dragging us int a greenhouse heat death in the pursuit of profit.
the same if you use dialectical Materialism you will almost always reach yhe same conclusion
Material and historical conditions vary widely. Dialectical Materialism exists to synthesize solutions to a variety of contradictions. Stalin, Mao, and Tito reached some very different conclusions, despite growing up during the same international conflagration. Subsequent leftist revolutionaries - from Che to Chavez, had their own takes on the best path forward. A lot of leftist infighting can be attributed to these differences in baseline material condition.
A relatively wealthy leftist living in the imperial core is going to have this sense of living in a post-scarcity world with a relatively liberal social order, while a Philippian labor organizer is going to be struggling just to survive while the state’s brutal police forces actively hunt them. Chinese communists and Vietnamese communists have a very acrimonious history together and are easily pitted against one another by European industrialists. And coalition building between northern Indian communist farmers and the Kashmiri neighbors who they are in economic competition with is extremely difficult.
While you can always talk about the straight hyper-moral correct positions, they don’t always lend themselves to the physical labor involved in building local movements or the historical biases native to your region.
One big take away of dialectical materialism is that outcomes aren’t clear and conclusions aren’t certain. You always need to try things, anticipate failure, and move forward from there. You can’t trap yourself in rigid ideology or you’ll find that ideology used against you as soon as capitalist leadership can adopt that rhetoric.
This is obviously highly suspicious, but
The amount of people parroting just whatever is currently in without critically questioning it (or even being open to question it) (looking at you, fascists (maga) and tankies (pro-putin /pro-hamas)) is too high
I don’t know what makes a person lose interest in politics and just parrot whatever the others parrot, but I’m highly suspicious that T is it. I think that part is just a lie in Elon’s interest to spread.
BTW I just assumed that T is testosterone
tankies (pro-putin /pro-hamas)
Man, one of these is absolutely not like the other.
That’s exactly what I mean!
Hamas has literaly made it their goal to textbook-definition genocide all Israelis.
Anyone critically thinking about this for even just 10 seconds would realize that Hamas is just as bad if not worse than Nettanyahu
But no, parroting the current political trend of “poor suppressed Hamas was forced to kill all those civillians”
Tell me, why do you support Hamas and not the UN special rapporteur for Palestine?
Or any other organization not advocating for terrorism or at least not advocating for genocide?
It’s because that’s what everyone else does, not because you think that’s what’s right to do
At least I hope you didn’t make a conscious decision to support a terror organization wanting to genocide an entire Nation
>Isreali flag
>“Maybe the fascist propaganda has a point!”
Checks out.
Exactly what I mean
You see my flag and automatically discard my opinion, because that’s the trendy thing to do
Listening to what I have to say and thinking critically? No m
I thought critically about the issue and came to the conclusion that genocide and apartheid are bad and that fascism is wrong. Not my fault if enough other people reach the same conclusion for it to be trendy.
no, you did not think critically about this Issue.
Because this Issue never was about genocide or apartheid or fascism. You thought about something entirely else.
You thought that “he has a Flag I don’t like, so I will discard his opinion on any matter”
Hardly critical or even smart thinking, is it?
“Noooooo it’s not critical thinking unless you agree with meeee!”
This fuckin guy.
Israel is an apartheid state engaging in genocide.
It’s kind of impressive how many wrong things you just said.
First, it is valid to disregard someone’s opinions based on their other political views. If you had a swastika in your username, should I ignore that and listen earnestly to everything you say? Of course not.
Second, this is about fascism because the quoted text in OP is fascist propaganda. What they’re describing is the idea of the ubermensch, of certain people being inherently superior and genetically predisposed to rule over others.
Third, you’re not a mind reader. You’re incorrectly assuming that you know my thought process. I did not think, “This person has an Israeli flag, therefore they must be wrong,” I thought, “This person is telling people to look for a point in what is very clearly fascist propaganda, hey, look at that, they also have a fascist flag in their username, I guess it makes sense that they’d do that.”
So no, I didn’t write off your opinion because of your support of a fascist regime, though if I had it would’ve been valid. I simply thought critically about two different behaviors you did and noticed that they both display sympathy towards fascism, which I found interesting.
Whenever you find yourself thinking about “how to get rid of the others”, you’ve already taken a wrong turn somewhere like this.
Is this about getting rid of others somehow?
Although I think it’s fair to think about getting rid of those who want to get rid of others. Just make it a hard line: only those, no others.
as someone with autism do NOT let us control everything. You’d get 27,000 cats and a ton of trains without any issues being solved.
deleted by creator
optimised solutions often create negative secondary effects in other systems - it’s not (always) that people are resistant to fixing things, it’s that when people get attached to an “optimised solution” and it comes into contact with the real world, it’s often difficult for them to take valid criticisms that aren’t about the system
It’s almost always for a selfish reason though. For instance, health insurance in the U.S. could easily go away if the government combined all of the funding for public healthcare systems. It won’t happen because of the for profit healthcare industry.
Do not betray your own tribe brother. After all, why shouldn’t we get 27000 cats?
I’m allergic.
skill issue
I think a ton of trains would actually solve a lot of issues
cats too tbh
Ironically may result in the resurgence of the bee population due to cats murdering the bird population
A ton of trains would be less than one train
Fine, we’ll upgrade to a shit ton instead.
yeah maybe we should let them cook for a bit
My go to example for “we should have let them cook” is https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OGAS
The US government in 1962 regarded the project as a major threat due to the “tremendous increments in economic productivity” which could disrupt the world market. Arthur Schlesinger Jr, historian and special assistant to President Kennedy, described “an all out Soviet commitment to cybernetics” as providing the Soviet Union a “tremendous advantage” in respect to production technology, complex of industries, feedback control and self-teaching computers.
This is why all scientists are athletes.
I mean, there’s a joke in here about the brain being the biggest muscle
dude we’ve seen you in swimwear. you look like a barrel on a stick. you can’t act like you’re prime specimen anymore. fucking troglodyte.
This is not real, right? RIGHT?
I have some bad yet unsurprising news.
Edit: screenshot for anyone who doesn’t have an alt front-end set up.
He always finds new depths to sink to.
Just like the OceanGate Titan.
Sadly not since he hasn’t been crushed to death.
For anyone that doesn’t want to give more to xitter, musk did indeed xerox it.
I checked on Sqawker but it does unfortunately still require an account. I had a dead one from an old project though so it works for me.
He saw the word “alpha” and ran with it!