This is going to be fun watching over the next four years. LOL. You just gotta laugh.
Okay so they’re not getting vaccinated and now they’re guzzling unpasteurised milk whilst cattle all over the US are dying of this latest bird flu?
I’m starting to think this right-wing shift might sort itself out
(Before anyone says, I know this is very bad for avoiding another pandemic which won’t care about how you vote)
We need to tell them about the health benefits of Jonestown Koolaid.
That’s what people said during Covid. The strongest dumbs still survived.
No, we made the mistake of doing everything thing we could to make them get vaccinated.
Next time we know better.
New ad campaign:
“You survived COVID, even though the liberals tried to get you to vaccinate. You haven’t vaccinated to this day because you have an immune system. You’re conservative and strong. So when the liberals try again with bird flu, monkey pox, or whatever animal disease they come up with next, just tell them, ‘No thank you.’” Make sure the video playing along with the words shows strong manly men - white, of course - with rugged good looks, wearing outdoorsy clothes, doing manly stuff. Guaranteed to convince a bunch of insecure conservative douchebags not to vaccinate. Again.
let those children be unvaccinated then you won’t have to worry about them in the future either
Allow me to make a modest proposal…
Waaay too many words. Keep it simple.
Drink America Milk Agian!
Keep the typo. Shows you didn’t do no book learnin’
Drink American Milk Now - Dairy US Milk Best
The D.A.M.N. - D.U.M.B. movement.
That’s because the death rate for these sorts of problems is very low and at best is a very weak evolutionary pressure which won’t yield results for many generations. Additionally, the heritability of medical stupidity is very questionable.
Nature vs nurture, as it were.
And millions of “smarts” were so “smart” that they decided they didn’t need to vote again after 2020, and as a result, the “dumbs” are in power.
So who’s really dumb, here?
You don’t really need the bird flu in that mix, even. Pasteurization was a huge public health win.
What next, fridges are woke nanny state inventions and real red-blooded Americans store all their food in room temperature, especially their raw milk and meat?
Not using dented / bulging cans is a conspiracy.
Nah, fridges are convenient. That’s what makes the beer taste good!
There is a definite interest in learning older preservation techniques. I’m not sure how it lines up with political beliefs, though. For any that do, the big trick was salt - lots of salt. If they are above a certain age, it’s likely to do some damage based on the rest of our modern lifestyle.
Food preservation lines up very well with conservative and libertarian plans. I even know if your number of Democrats that enjoy preserving food. Dehydrating, canning, pickling or all cheap and easy. The more extremes in conservative and libertarian also seemed to like freeze drying. I have to admit I kind of like freeze drying myself but the machine is so freaking expensive and then it consumes so much power, you can literally buy commercially freeze dried food cheaper than you can make it yourself and that does not get better at any reasonable home scale.
Stoves are convenient too, and they went after them for a month.
Good tasting beer makes you gay, fridges are woke devil’s spawn!
There are some more ways, usually involving fermentation. Us arctic types know some methods. But I get the impression rakfisk, lutefisk, hákarl, surströmming and kiviak would have caught on as exports by now if they were actually something humans in general were interested in eating, rather than the descendants of very specific kinds of desperate people.
very specific kinds of desperate people
Me who honestly enjoyed surströmming…
You’re a very specific kind of people. Only you can say whether you’re desperate
Nothing to be ashamed about! There’s lots of stuff around the world that some people love but the majority shy away from. All the rest of us can ask is that you enjoy it responsibly and don’t bother other people with the smell. :)
It is an acquired taste for some
[…]would have caught on as exports by now if they were actually something humans in general were interested in eating, rather than the descendants of very specific kinds of desperate people.
That’s the most eloquent thing I’ve read this week.
Well I am progressive as fuck politically and somewhat crunchy lifestyle -wise. Garden, ferment things, have made bread exclusively from sourdough for about 15 years now, really enjoy fermented foods like kimchi and pickles and sauerkraut.
The other fermenter in our family is the literal racist uncle, he makes incredible homemade foods, raised me a turkey for Thanksgiving one year, even.
Both of us came to it from a culinary background, not a political one, a way to get good food. I don’t think it maps well, but there is certainly a subset of crunchy lifestyle people who started out progressive and were coopted by the right wing.
To be fair since Pasteur we have made enormous progress in refrigeration and supply lines, so if the cow is healthy, and the raw milk is fresh, you should be fine. The main issue is that you should treat the milk in your fridge like something that spoils quickly (like fish), rather than something that can stay in the fridge safely for a week or two. Of course if the cow is sick none of this applies, so it has to come from a trusted source.
TLDR; raw milk can be okay if you are taking far more precautions than you normally would with milk.
Call it evolution in action.
political beliefs aren’t genetic. Nazis tries to exterminate every communist and it didn’t work.
Darwinism goes hard when it benefits the left
EDIT: Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing
Let them drink milk.
By the gallon.
Problem is, it won’t just affect them. Tuberculosis can spread just fine.
TB isn’t too bad it’s that Micah you’ve got to watch out for.
Fuck Micah! That boy never did Dutch any good.
Maybe we can speed the process up by convincing them to eat raw chicken, too.
Chicken sashimi is a delicacy in Japan, and so easy to prep at home! Just leave your chicken breast out until it assumes room temperature, slice into thin strips, and serve over rice or with seaweed!
At least the Japanese usually use only specially grown and treated chicken for that. Trying that with American supermaket chicken would be a daring idea, to say the least.
And even in Japan they have serious issues with torisashi and consider banning it.
The best way to consume raw chicken is in cocktail form, specifically the pollo colada. It’s like a piña colada, except you substitute raw chicken for the pineapple.
Mama’s Coconut Chicken
libs want to ban raw chicken smoothies
Oh god, I fucked myself up with some drunkenly not-grilled-right chicken a couple weeks ago, still not in the mood for chicken lol.
I hope that you don’t end up like me and fish. I ate fish for many years until I had some from the student cafeteria that made me sick for days (not only me). Since then I cannot stand any fish or seafood anymore.
Darwin award 👍
Combined with H5N1… thy won’t be missed.
Gullible fucks. How many of them would die if they were told that they can boost their immunity by sticking their house keys in a power outlet.
“Would an apartment key work, or do you have to own a house?”
It is a non-zero number, you can be sure of that.
But the lamestream media says not to do it! That means they’re hiding the secret to cleansing out the 5g nanoRNA or some shit.
Electrons are the purest substance known to humanity! How are you going to tell me allowing 15 amps of the purest substance known to flow through my body is a bad thing!?
Stupid liberals don’t even understand electronomy!
I’ve noticed lately around me too that “conservatives” will pull out a cig and start smoking it (as a “defense” mode or something…or maybe because I have a mask) & it feels like it’s to take a side in some kind of “culture war”. Killing themselves to “own the libs”. Brilliant.
That’s also really weird because when I was growing up cigs and coffee, at the same time, was like an inner city liberal stereotype.
Antivax used to be a lefty granola thing too. The rules don’t make sense anymore.
That one was the wildest switch up
It has to be a surrogate for cum.
I mean, have you had buttermilk?
At least with this one they’re only killing themselves and their own kids.
No annon! That’s eugenics!
It’s only eugenics if it’s done to a population. If they do it to themselves it’s natural selection.
If they do it to their kids it’s
murdernot being infected with the woke mind virusI’m left wing, and I’m stupid, and not by choice either.
Death cult
As I saw someone else say, “I love natural selection.”
You think jolly old Darwin will fix the US problem of conservatism?
Unfortunately, most of these people have already reproduced.
I wonder if the GOP really thought this through. First, they try to breed more uneducated Americans, so they have a voter base that is stupid enough to vote conservative, and then they kill them off by a combination of an antivaxx mindset and unhealthy food that promotes an incoming pandemic virus.
They thought it through… Throughout every step of the process, they’re making money hand over fist.
They want this. They want a form of neo-feudalism where they’re the warlords, and everyone else that’s left is their subject.
Yup. And they never thought through the fact that you can’t have a “consumer class” if nobody can afford to consume, anymore.
Give them as much raw milk as they want? They’ll find out
“fuck around and find out”
their favorite thing.
We could give you a cure, but we aren’t allowed to. Perhaps you could write to your congressman?
It’s because the gubmint told them they can’t have it and, like petulant children, they just wanna do what they’ve been told they shouldn’t.
Wait till they outlaw/regulate eating unpasteurized cheese in the US…
Oh wait.
It’s not illegal to eat it. It’s illegal to sell it.
This is exactly it for the vast majority of them. And there’s a minority that have been duped into believing there are legitimate benefits.
You know what? We should probably deny vaccinations, unions, and “love thy neighbor”… The world would be a better place
I for one welcome the new natural selection process. Can we do more of these?
“only eat mushrooms with redcaps for a week to detox your body” “building up infection immunity by sitting in an ice bath of shit”
I grew up on a dairy farm and milked cows every day. We never bought “store” milk to drink. It always came from the tank every morning. We also made and ate foods that would cause you urbanites blanch and faint if you only knew, (I miss the home made blood sausage and canned beef my Grandmothers made). It’s not a death sentence like many of you seem to think. But, for commercial store bought milk, it IS imperative that the milk is pasteurized for consumer safety. That milk might be a week or two old before it reaches your refrigerator in the Big City/Suburbs/Gentrified neighborhood.
I doubt if drinking raw milk will become common place amongst magahats. It tastes NOTHING like what they or you are used to. It’s a whole different thing. And the vast majority of you would hate the taste of it and refuse to drink it. And the first time someone gets the shits from drinking it, they will try and sue the dairy they bought the milk from. And that won’t end well.
In Europe they seem to not have the same fear/issues with the sale or consumption of “raw dairy” that we do here in the US. Perhaps they are smarter about such things.
I think a lot of it is coming from the bird flu scare. If the milk is pasteurized the virus would be killed in the process. If it isn’t killed and gets transferred to a person it can be deadly. The chance of death varies drastically though. Worse than covid odds, but up to ridiculous levels if someone is pregnant.
Basically if a pregnant woman gets it from raw milk somehow, the chances of death for her and the baby are around 90%. So the lack of knowledge of if the spread amongst the cows is being stopped, is leading to the fear of it being dangerous to humans
“That woke dairy farm didn’t take all the pasture outta the milk before they put it in the cartons! Everyone’s getting sick because they’re not depasteurizing the milk enough!” - my qanon neighbour, probably
The cream from the top is the best.