Despite Elon Musk’s claims of “maximal transparency,” the Trump administration now argues that records from DOGE are exempt from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
A court filing states DOGE, rebranded from the U.S. Digital Service, is a “free-standing component” of the Executive Office of the President and falls under the Presidential Records Act.
Watchdog groups have sued, arguing that DOGE’s activities, which involve sweeping access to federal agencies, must be publicly accessible.
Prolly can’t figure out where and how the shit is stored.
I’ve seen a setup once, involving airflow, pgsql with a few different databases for different systems, a few CSV and Excel files stored on webdav shares, a few ETL scripts, some not working, in a weird graph, and a Microstrategy instance used to view a report or two resulting from that.
That was probably a job safety mechanism of the leaving data analyst, though. I’m not sure how such chaos could have been created on purpose and other things he did seemed very clean.
Or they just don’t want to and are arguing the definition of “agency”
“Your honor I’m not subject to that law under the clause I said so.” Judges love hearing that.
Judges also love not flying out of windows.
Name one judge that has flown out of a window
He’s afraid we will kill him but he keeps doing that kind of shit
What gives you the impression that he’s afraid of that? Pretty sure he thinks he’s a god or something.
human meat shieldchildGods can bleed.
DOGE’s FOIA exemption is a direct assault on accountability and public trust.
I’ll never get over the pretentious way the Orange Menace poses for the camera. And it makes me want to punch him every time.
Every picture looks like he’s focusing not shitting himself
He looks like a corpse with poorly done casket makeup
Are we certain this isn’t a Weekend at Bernie’s situation?
He looks to me like Biff Tannen just got another face-full of manure.
That photo is perfect, they both look completely ridiculous (well, more so than usual).
It’s easy to claim transparency when you lie about everything
Every right leaning person I’ve talked with about this claims “unparalleled transparency” with these guys. What, a bunch of self written social media posts? Full transparency would be detailed reporting that would also we’d have the ability to verify via a third party. What these guys are doing is the equivalent of, “trust me, bro.”
For some reason the “do you own research” crowd seems to not be doing that.
Of course not, the bias is strong.
He claims transparency, but we see right through him.
Poop, sex, squish, uh oh, sister-o, pants shits
“Maximally transparent” in the same sense that Musk is a “free speech absolutist”.
His feelings about free speech are very absolute. Absolutely authoritarian. Get back in line and have you papers ready!!
In the same sense that “he’s not a nazi”… because he’s a fucking nazi!
The corruption is just in your face. I bet “maga” is eating it right the fuck up, too, the idiots, because…libs:owned. Or something.
Some perhaps, but if you look at the videos from recent repug town halls, even maga is pissed. I’m talking reps can’t complete statements due to being drowned out by boos in +30 red districts. There are opportunities here for a real populist party to form if people are able to seize it.
Yeah, maybe. The oligarchs have proven themselves quite capable (in the past, anyway) of directing that anger anywhere else but where it should be directed, so I guess we will see.
reps can’t complete statements due to being drowned out by boos in +30 red districts
They’re still trying to blame it on “bussed in Democrat paid agitators”.
If a Democrat tried this shit the Republicans would be out for political blood calling the left “deep state” and other horrifying shit, let they’re fine with an apartheid loving Nazi immigrant dismantling their government and refusing to answer for his crimes.
The Republicans would happily let fElon and Bronzo take a dump in their mouths if they thought some Democrat had to smell it.
Republicans would be out for political blood calling the left “deep state” and other horrifying shit
And they’d be right. An unelected billionaire gutting the government and hiding their actions is deep state activity
I agree 100% this is all horseshit
It’s not deep state, it’s a coup.
In essence, a coup is a 1) rapid seizure of state power by unelected actors, who acquire that power by 2) seizing critical government infrastructure and 3) weaponizing it to neutralize legitimate government actors’ efforts to stop them. The unelected actors then use this power to 4) remake the rules of the political game in a way that cannot easily be checked or undone through democratic processes.
Deep? Can Musk and DOGE count as deep state with how new they are to government (if you can call DOGE that)? He’s not even from the US, he’s so far out he’s circled back around to deep state.
Then again, foreign actors blatantly controlling the white house seems to be the trend right now
I think deep state here refers to unelected government officials.
I think more its meaning would be shit that goes on behind the scenes where the public cannot see. Aka… things immune to FOIA requests.
Don’t worry. The Dems will start calling them out in the same way …anytime now.
I sometimes think of those redcaps as something out of a sci-fi movie where they take over any normal brain function.
You’re just being paranoid. You know what would help? I nice relaxing trip to the brain slug planet where you can lay in the sun with no helmet on.
I still wonder if BrainDead was cancelled not only because of low ratings…even if it was showing a bothsiderist lean at some point. It might have been a bit too much on the nose for the oligarchs’ tastes.
It’s so transparent that you can’t even see it.
Normally I’d say “that’s not how it works” but given the shit we’ve seen it might in fact work
Isn’t that for the courts to decide?
The ones he ignores and the ones overriden by a higher court with the reasoning “we’ll get around to looking at what the courts already said was illegal.”. The Supreme Court basically just kneecapped the entire Judicial branch by implying the courts rulings don’t matter unless they come from the SC.
Well, yes, this was a court filling. DOGE attorneys make their case, opposing council makes their case, and the judge/jury decides. It’s just that DOGE attorneys filed a statement that directly contradicts public statements (to the surprise of no one).