It’s blatant extortion now.
Thanks, now Canada can more easily commit to exporting its energy and resources to Asia and Europe.
Canada will outlive Trump.
Yeah. Hopefully Canada can completely detach from the cancer that my home country has become. And same goes for everywhere else.
For the greater good of the rest of the planet- everyone needs to cut ties with this festering disease of a “nation.” And I sincerely hope it happens.
Canada will outlive Trump.
I would expect so. Trump is already on IVs.
Yeah, but it’s a big PITA. Gotta expand ports and have long lines at existing ports which means pollution and blight. Lots of benefit to having a sane trade partner within truck/train/pipeline range. Having to steer around a crazy grandpa means thinner margins and more risk.
STFU about this fucking petulant imperialist nonsense. 40 million insurgents is what this orange fuckface will get. US is not getting one fucking square CENTIMETRE of Canadian land. I used metric on purpose too. fuck the USA.
It’ll be more than that. There’ll be millions of Americans who won’t stand for it either. To think of it though, that might be the point. Something so heinous, yet legal (barely), that it legitimately compromises our security and forces martial law and a state of emergency he can exploit.
Martial law AND a war at the same time would stretch the military pretty damn thin.
Meet the police, the new soldiers, now under command of the Anti Terrorism Command.
If he enforced martial law that’s within the US borders. I’ve never heard of a country being under martial law then invading another country but someone please enlighten me. He clearly wants to incite violence, I’m reading Stephen Marche’s The Next Civil War and Marche argues quite effectively that while he doesn’t know what the inciting event will be, the violence willl come from the right.
Ever heard of the third Reich?
Of course I’ve heard about it, I’m not a historian so I don’t know all the details about how Germany went about it’s expansionist war other then the basic stuff . Did Hitler declare martial law and then invade Poland and Austria Hungary etc??
Hitler put the military on the border of chekoslovakia, made noises about protecting the German minority in the Sudetenland. British Prime minister negotiated the transfer of the Sudetendland from Chekoslovakia to Germany. All the fortifications the Checks military had built were in the Sudetenland. A few months later the Germans rolled in and took the rest of the country nearly unopposed. Germany signed a deal with Austria taking political control there, then they made a deal splitting Poland with the USSR. The Poles saw what happened to the Checks and resolved to fight it out reminding Britain and France that they have a defence pact but they didn’t know about the deal the Germans had with the Soviets, so Poland got invaded on both sides.
Britain and France declared war but they needed time to get their militaries rolling. Germany brought the army over to the French border, then the Germans invaded the Netherlands and Belgium. Went around the French defences and took Paris. Britain got their people out of France at Dunkirk. Germany bombed Britain but didn’t have the navy to invade so they turned around again and attacked the USSR, and that’s where it started going to shit for them.
You missed 3 events. The fucking POS Hitler threw the entire German army into Poland leaving a token force to protect the western border and the French could have easily marched into Berlin. In addition, the French and British completely failed to help Poland. If you read the Polish campaign after action reports, from the German field commanders, they revealed severe deficiencies and recommended halting all offensive operations until 1943 to make the improvements. All of it was ignored, the best Wehrmacht generals were sent to desk duty and only the yes officers were given command. Sounds familiar? The perfect recipe for losing.
Yeah the British and French made some serious mistakes early on.
Thanks for the details. Appreciated.
Basically yes. It didn’t go well for him eventually.
JFC I guess that’s what Turnip is gearing up to do. He already declared a bullshit national emergency at the border with Canada. Which was complete verifiable bullshit.
He’s following basically the same playbook that Putin did when he invaded Ukraine.
Next thing you know, we’ll start intercepting their maritime vessels and press-gang their sailors.
If he really means that, then Punxsutawney Trump has just forecast another four years of recession.
Canada, this guy ain’t gonna learn until you burn it down a second time.
With the help of American military.
I know trying to make sense of the stupidity that is Trump’s “plan” for America is a lost cause. But why do they speak like turning Canada into a singular state makes any god damn sense??
Also, is war inevitable? I honestly don’t know. Shit is not looking good. If war breaks out, I would find a way to flee and volunteer to fight on the opposing side. No way am I supporting my country on the wrong side of history.
The US could attack Canada and they could take our cities in Southern Ontario easily, however, that would instantly deputize everyone else and there would be tens of millions of insurgents fighting asymmetrical warfare forever more. We would also destroy all the assets the US sought to take from us cause Canadians are vindictive AF. If we can’t have what’s rightfully ours neither can US invaders.
There would be insurgency in the lower 48 as well.
As a Seattlite, I’d be right there with ya if you’d have me.
Dang right, We’d be happy to have ya!
the Greater Seattle Polycule could be turned into an underground resistance movement
We’d need you.
Do you have a gun? Do you have ammo? Do you know how to use it? Do you have relevant and useful skills for a resistance? If not, what’s stopping you?
I know gun ranges in America are packed right now.
I wonder if “concern of a future us invasion” is a reason that disqualifies you from getting a PAL
Download the manual from the RCMP regardless. Study it, if they invade you will likely come across a fire arm, and it would be best if you knew the very basics.
Yes indeedy!
Apparently lessons are booked months ahead already, everyone’s educating themselves.
Well I guess I should book now, thanks
As a Minnesotan. I would never fight our northern neighbors. Fuck our government, nobody wants this except trump and his cronies.
But he commands the military. So there is that.
No. War isn’t inevitable. People have nukes and definitely will use them if needed. In other words, a cold war might occur, but maybe not regular war at least not in North America.
Trump can be talked down by people that understand reality, but not always. Putin, a much more intelligent leader, thought his invasion of Ukraine would be over in a week and look how that worked out for Russians.
This is what I hope – that there are enough actual patriots, people who believe in the Rule of Law and the principles our Republic was built on, and resist. That military commands will rebel, that people will be gathering OSInt for Canada, and saboteurs and vandals and lone wolves start making things miserable for the administration and anyone who supports them.
I think war against Panama is far more likely. The idea of annexing Canada is wildly unpopular among both Democrats and Republicans. The best you could get away with is an EU type economic union. We already have some in the military who have said they won’t invade our allies.
A full on war against Canada is unlikely. Maybe a single battle?
Sabaton is gonna have so much material to work with in the coming years.
I honestly think the “better” thing to do is stay inside and try to sabotage the aggressors. This would obviously require a great deal of cunning and bravery.
If you want to really sabotage the war effort, use the war to push for state secession from the union, particularly if you’re in a blue state. Most of the blue states are economic engines that keep the rest of the machine ticking. If they leave, or try to, that’ll be a huge kick in the nuts to any war effort.
Honest endgame here.
And if the coastal states are doing it you might even get a left-right alliance in Texas to support secession.
War? Remember that we’re talking about nuclear war. That is possible of course, but many people with brains would try to stop Trump from starting it. Would they succeed? Who knows.
today seems like a good day to remember David Fagen, an American soldier who defected to fight for the Philippines against the American invasion and is remembered as a hero for it in the modern era
Yeah, I definitely don’t have loyalty to fascism. Being autistic and leftist, they will want me dead. Here’s hoping that I can help in some useful way.
A land war at the border would give him justification to deploy military domestically for “defense”.
I think if this stupid bastard makes any kind of military moves, there will be an uprising. Invading a long-standing ally is ridiculous.
I got it in 2020, but I can’t imagine being in the military right now. We might attack an ally or we might commit a genocide. Neither of which I can support or accept as a lawful order.
Mango Mussolini is commander in chief of the us army. The army does what it is told. The US army won’t save Canada from the US army.
Everything this man does is what a Russian asset would do to weaken the United States.
Embargo time, baby. Let’s clear that trade deficit right up for ya, bud. Time to outlast.
deleted by creator
Not saying, just saying, but the top 10 are 30% Canadian, 20% Ukrainian:
Not saying, just saying.
Also worth noting that;
- We trained those Ukrainians
- Only one of those Canadian kills was recorded by our special forces. The others were just regular recce snipers. In the Canadian military, those guys are considered plain Joe average rank and file. My wife was literally doing range with guys like that today.
Fuck off. He is a senior Alzheimer patient.
I’m sure Ontario, Alberta, British Colombia … will all be happy to lose their provincial legislatures for one State House. No local representation. All provincial systems of trade destroyed.
This is idiotic talk.
he has cocaine and adderall induced dementia. inability to control one bowels.
It’s the talk of a hostile mobster nation. It resembles Putin’s hostility towards Russia’s neighbours.
Yeah, this is the same sort of unhinged “they’re not a real country, they’re like little children that need to be taken care of” bullshit that Putin’s spewed about Ukraine over the years.
The thing that really concerns me is that it’s not just Putin. The Russian population as a whole fell right in line with it. And so, too, I fear the American population might. They just don’t understand the utter visceral rage Canadians are feeling about this treatment right now. They’re treating this like yet another goofy dumb thing Trump is saying.
I’m a citizen of the (former) United States and I feel absolute visceral rage about what this FUCKING TRAITOR is being allowed to do.
Our country has failed. I myself will fight for your freedoms against these nazi fucking filth occupying my home country.
like russia almost, where do you think trump got his ideas from.
Two months later… OK now that Canada is the 51th state (not 51st, 51th)…the official language is English so we are deporting all the French people here illegally to France!
…Canada: ehhh we’re still not a US state. WTF is wrong with Trump’s dementia pills?
In case people don’t realize. Canada shares an Arctic border with Russia and Russia is trying to take Canadian land and regularly crosses into our waters to steal resources. It is of benefit to Putin for Canada to be weak and distracted by Trump, since Trump works for Putin, it’s very clear why he’s doing this
We need our own nuclear force.
How would that help?
Just look up mutually assured mass destruction and you’ll understand.
Besides theoretical guarantee you would need a will to wreak havoc to both of worlds. Will someone in Canada launch nukes with fist step of the first soldier on Canada’s land? If no, when?
Geezus. Is he really fucking serious about this shit?
Remember, it ain’t just trumps dumbfuck ass. He’s got a whole cabal of his team telling him to do this shit and encouraging him. This idiot doesn’t know wtf he’s doing without other people feeding him info.
We should be asking who’s behind all these ideas.
Yeah. At this stage, after this much back and forth, this is a serious statement. It wasn’t just a one off dementia thing. This statement was the thrust of what he was saying so this is what he wanted to say. He’s not campaigning anymore, or justifying policy anymore. It was a direct extortion attempt on an entire country by the man in charge of the world’s most powerful military.
Well, the two countries that would benefit from Canada’s nonexistence are the USA and Russia. There might be a clue in that as to who is seeding these ideas in Republican circles.
I honestly don’t think the US would benefit from Canada’s non-existentence. Any sort of actual war would cause far more damage to the US than any sort of possible benefit they may see later.
Gonna make Afghanistan feel like a trial run when Canadians and sympathetic Americans fight back.
I would not be surprised at all if the white house gets burned down again if they actually attacked us.
What are the two most important characteristics in a partnership?
- Loyalty 2) Reliability.
The US is showing that it is neither loyal nor reliable. This is going to hurt American business for generations to come. Even of the Republicans get ousted with the next election, it is very difficult to rebuild a sense of loyalty and reliability.
The only option is the divest in the US now. Any investment in the US will not be conducive to a stable economy.
Who cares at this point. It’s at least one billionaire. The idea is out there and circulating and Canadian citizens need to get our shit together about asymmetrical warfare. Cause we’re gonna be fighting it for the rest of our lives.
And there you have it. It was never about fentanyl. It was always about annexation (i should just call it as it is and call it invasion). And that’s why there was never anything that Canada could do to stop the tariffs.
Not much i can do from across the ocean, except join in the boycott. But i’m boycotting anything American. Not just products of red states. I want to see America burn, and for Americans to lay the blame squarely on Trump, Elon, the Republican party and the 31% of Americans who are too stupid or racist to recognise a con.
Texan here. The boycott will help! The worse it is for America now, the better we’ll all be in the long run. Make Americans remember that we’re part of a global community.
54% of Americans read at below a 6th grade level and half do not have a passport. They are fed propaganda from a young age to believe that their nation is the absolute best and with such poor literacy it’s doubtful that they ever question it.
Teaching Americans that they’re part of a global community is an uphill battle. The populace has been in a state of being dumbed down to the point of accepting someone like Trump for several decades now.
They are both dumb and proud of their ignorance as well. Which makes Americans even more nauseating.
Thanks friend.