As an animation nerd I gotta mention Shrek. As a parody of “Disney princess movies” it killed the entire genre dead.
The only time Disney tried to play the tropes somewhat straight again was the Princess and the Frog, and THAT was a major flop (though racism probably also played a part in that).
Since then Disney only made remakes or titles like Frozen that spend 70% of their runtime mugging at themselves and poking fun at their own tropes (… While still circling back to them anyway and failing to make any point or commentary)
On a less “this made a major cultural impact” note and more of a “this personally completely altered my entire sense of humour and replaced the original in my heart” – SnapCube’s Realtime Fandub Games Sonic Adventure 2
Oh oh ohohoh! Just remembered JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Very much a manga that was poking fun at contemporaries like Fist of the North Star… And while it didn’t outlive or outdo them per se, it definitely gained a life of its own, continuing to this day and actually being quite influential in its own right.
Hi, it’s me, The Devil
Wrong game, but I always appreciate SnapCube regardless.
princess and the frog had no chance, disney wanted it to fail so they had an excuse to never go back to 2d animation again
That part I didn’t know but it doesn’t surprise me either.
Still, “Disney wanted to kill off their traditional animation department” might explain why every movie since has been CGI/Live Action. – It does NOT explain why every movie since has been so metalinguistic and self-satirising. THAT can be laid at Dreamworks’ feet entirely, with the influence of Shrek et. al. on the cultural zeitgeist.
The only time Disney tried to play the tropes somewhat straight again was the Princess and the Frog, and THAT was a major flop (though racism probably also played a part in that).
Probably, I watched because of my kid recently, and it striked me as one of the better Disney movies. In fact, it’s a pretty awesome one compared to recent bigger hits like Frozen and etc.
's a good movie. Predictable as those disney princess musicals tend to be–
– But still. It’s pretty. It’s entertaining. And the music sequences are awesome.
I also quite liked it. It feels like a ‘classic’ Disney movie.
I think a lot of Whitest Kid’s U Know stuff genuinely transcends the topics its mocking by how good it is.
For example: WKUK - Kennedy Assasination
That song at 3:41 swims into my head from time to time, when I’m feeling stressed or overworked or uncertain about the future:
Somewhere out in space there is a place,
Where I can do what I want to,
And all at my own pace.Somewhere out of time I hope I’ll find,
A place where I can just unwind,
And work on my own mind.Oh send me a signal, oh give me a prayer,
I just need to know that there’s some spot out there,
Where I could be me and you could be you…Just a pure sentiment longing for free time, personal agency, co-existence, brotherhood, and harmony – which I think are topics everyone can click with.
I’ve spent the last couple of hours re-watching WKUK skits because of you.
Man those guys are funny.
Great actors too, Trevor himself had just such a way with expression delivering lines both wacky and straight
RIP local sexpot.
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen is a satire of Gothic novels in general, and The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe in particular. Several others are referenced by name in the story and for many of them it’s probably the only reason they are even remembered today.
SOA Abridged
Dragon Ball Z Abridged
Idiocracy is at least more entertaining
Remember when Idiocracy was a farce instead of a documentary?
deleted by creator
Does idiocracy count?
I think we’re seeing things happen that not even Idiocracy could predict.
No, it’s satire. Or it used to be anyway. But it’s not a parody of anything.
It’s not a parody it’s a documentary so no.
Pretty much everything from Weird Al.
Amish Paradise came to me, even over White N’ Nerdy
Word Crimes for taking a song about dubious consent and changing it into a legitimately educational song.
Definitely White and Nerdy, and Like a Surgeon and Amish Paradise are on par.
Spinal Tap. The reactions to it are telling enough: allegedly Steven Tyler didn’t think it was funny, and the Edge just wept.
Steven Tyler didn’t think it was funny
This Is Spinal Tap should have had one of the band members with a pre-pubescent girlfriend, but I guess that would have been too over the top even for them.
In case anybody doesn’t know this, '70s rockers were notorious for their consumption of literally underaged girls. Tyler in particular even assumed legal guardianship of his bit of jailbait so he could take her on tour with him.
They were just jealous they couldn’t go to 11.
getting lost backstage is a joke ozzy didnt like because it happened to him so many times 😂
Naked Gun.
Austin Powers.
Team America: World Police
The dicks, pussies, and assholes speech was based on an actual speech.
by who? where can i read it? how did i not know this? this sounds fascinating!
That’s fucking awesome
I’m Matt Damen!
Might not be exactly what you’re asking for, but if you’ve seen ever seen Rocky and Bullwinkle, you’ll know the villain “Boris Badenov,” but you might not know his name is a pun of a historical figure, “Boris Godunov”. Old cartoons like that are great because they’re full of these super obscure references and jokes that completely fly past you until years later when you encounter something in a history class and suddenly burst out laughing. Another example I remember from that show is “The Ruby Yacht of Omar Khayyam,” a reference to “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.”
Galaxy Quest!
Still the best star trek movie
By Grabthar’s Hammer…
I giggle every time about that please-kill-me-face.
Not really a parody but “happy but beats 2 and 4 are swapped.”
The truth is this: oof!
Just listened to it, I elfe keli eninglist ot ti kebro ym inbra
Cunk - parodying Attenborough and cosmos style docs
Starship troopers - more of an active ignorance of source material
Happy Gilmore
Starship troopers - more of an active ignorance of source material
It can be pretty telling how someone reacts to Starship Troopers being what it is, and I love it for that.
Gotta squash them bugs