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I wish it was only republican women losing their rights.
How ironic, that dehumanizing rhetoric is exactly how we got here.
really… yeah, let’s shed a tear for the poor republican women, waving “Mass Deportation Now” signs. They didn’t seem to care about dehumanization so much then. Now they are the ones being dehumanized, hopefully they’ll remember how that feels come mid-terms.
Stooping to their level doesn’t make us better than them.
Try to understand that most of them don’t know any better and are just trying to look good in front of their peers who also do not know any better.
Dehumanizing? I am just saying they should get what they asked for. But here the thing: being a minority isn’t a choice, being gay isn’t a choice. Being a republican is. But if that is dehumanizing then so be it. They can join humanity again whenever they want.
I’ve fought tooth and nail against accepting this, but looking at their plans it’s becoming unavoidable: This will not end without violence.
Imagine how little self-respect you’d have to have to be a woman and vote Republican.
Making sure that women have very little self-respect is one of the primary functions of American Evangelicalism.
Not a USA citizen, but a Hungarian, but I think some stuff still holds ground in the USA ground: They primarily think these right-wing radicals are just “jolly little conservatives”, and not radicals, since they call themselves “conservatives”. Contrary to the naive liberal belief, conservatism isn’t just a jolly little belief of personally held traditions and healthy patriotism, it’s just “fascism lite” which will turn full-out fascism once the checks and balances are removed, or getting extremely frustrated with social change.
And also there’s the whole “you will get more conservative as you get older” propaganda, which makes a lot of young people “skip the liberalism and fast-forward to the inevitable”, and they either want to remain conservatives because “jolly little belief of personally held traditions and healthy patriotism”, or they believe they can’t leave. Many also go down the hate road, and they’ll get called all kinds of names if they forgive wrongdoers who were part of a minority, and they don’t weaponize that wrongdoing into genocidal thoughts. We seriously need to counter this whole “you will get more conservative as you get older” with something. Can someone contact Innuendo Studios? I have an idea for an episode of “The Alt-Right Playbook” if he still haven’t made one on this topic.
You get more liberal when you get older. puts on pirate hat and racks shotgun
There is a real lack of critical thinking, too. I legit know a few Republican women that honestly think that not eating meat will make a man effeminate, and that men that eat meat are more manly.
Obviously due to stupid marketing, but even in their cinematic universe where this is “true” it makes no sense and has no consistency. I’ve asked them if they think that women that eat meat are going to spontaneously sprout a penis.
They unironically think Harris was some kind of monster and that it was all worth it to keep trans out of sports.
Well surely it was never going to affect them. They are one of the good ones, it’s the others that need to be controlled. Why would they ever come for me if I am living a proper God fearing life?
Lydia, it’s because you vote for forcing others to do things they don’t believe in, not the specific things that are targeted at this moment
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What in the actual fuck are you talking about
I can tell you’re upset because I said truths you don’t like.
“Truths”, bro get your misogyny out of here.
Yeah, the longer we go without acknowledging it, the more you prove my point.
No, I already acknowledged that you’re a misogynist.
Still proving my point.
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Christian right woman will support this. “He’s right, I’m not fully capable.”
It’s weird having a branch of my family that has these values and family structure. They’d probably support the idea of the male head of a family having the only vote. And yet, they clearly don’t agree that men should be able to beat their wives, because it happened to one of their daughters and they quickly helped her leave her abusive husband. Good people with very backwards ideas.
Incels are finally having their moment. Next they will propose laws requiring hot girls to date them.
The government mandated girlfriend will finally come true for Incels.
Incels aren’t getting shit out of this, this benefits rightwing patriarchs who have abused wives at home.
Incels are alone in a basement or some shit dreaming about being the rightwing patriarch but the rightwing patriarch doesn’t likely feel anything but disgust for the incel. They’d purge the incel in a heartbeat if they could.
No they wouldn’t. That’s their voter base
Note the “if they could”
It’s more about doing everything they can to increase white birthrates. This us very much to secure white identity and majority.
Replacement theory in effect
Not date them, breed ala handmaids tale
I mean, a major problem in society is that two incomes are required to pay off a mortgage - and making one member of that equation unable to work society wide would solve that, leading to mortgages and hence housing price calibration (calibrating it to a single wage income)…
…but I was kind of hoping that wouldn’t be a product of gender segregation. Also this seems like it’s going to affect a lot of other things and people women’s autonomy and hence freedom and safety in jeopardy.
No Bueno.
A better calibration would be a three day week so one person could work and one person could do household stuff on any particular day and you still have a day to enjoy together.
Sad to see that people thing this is the working class fault and not the rich class fault. Just like everything from recycling plastic global warming, and child marriage
Realistically, the loss of women’s income would lead to a housing crisis as millions of families are unable to pay their mortgage, but it’s naive to think housing prices will plummet. Plenty of vulture capital firms and the like will happily scoop those houses up to rent back to us in perpetuity.
No, I’m saying it would calibrate housing prices as mortgages failed… Ao it would be a long term solution not some patch up job.
In a world where only men can work mortgages would be calibrate to singilar male incomes.
Except the amount they’d need to rent them for just to break even would still be just about as high as the mortgage payment would have been, so they’re gonna lose out there, too.
Even then, they still own the housing stock as assets, which they can hold indefinitely. Their financial backing and ability to weather financial storms is much higher than the average American family. The goal is to remove ownership from the lower classes and ensure the plebs can only rent. It’s more about control than anything.
I think it’s adorable that people believe that the capitalists would do away with female labor instead of going back to the good old days of just devaluing it. The myth that women didn’t work outside the home is a fiction. Only the upper classes could afford such a luxury. Poor woman always had to work, often for much less pay.
Poor woman always had to work, often for much less pay.
Exactly. Women always worked - they were just segregated into lower paying jobs and had less rights (pregnant? no more job for you! and since you’re desperate, enjoy the shitty working conditions).
There will always be poor single mothers that have to work to support their family. They just won’t have labor protections.
For the believers, I think that tmany would be fine with this. It reinforces their preferred structure of a patriarchy in which they have a well-defined place and role (head of the domestic household, subservient to the man). No worries about having to deal with a fickle job market or figuring out what you want to do with your life. Your life path is set (get married, raise kids, take care of family), and, for some, that well-defined role the status that it conveys is really comforting. It provides a sense of security.
It’s why, I expect, while there are many who fight it, there are plenty of women in Muslim societies who are fine with things as they are. We emphasize with those women who chafe at that and fight it since we’ve history valued the individual rights of self-determination and freedom, of course.
Thats a big allure of the American taliban to some folks. It provides structure and defined roles in a chaotic world.
Of course, republican men like it for the power, but more importantly, that women voters mostly vote against them. Stopping women from voting would cement them in power.
If you gloss over the fact that it could be FUCKING VOLUNTARY instead of hate crime. your point is valid for anyone that loves to be forced to do things they don’t believe in
I’m not arguing for it, I agree that it’s fine if it’s a free choice. I don’t think personally that it’s a good one, though.
My point is that many of the women pushing this on the republican side view all of this, including their own loss of rights, as a positive likely. It’s not like a “leopards eating faces” or “voting against their interests” situation where they might be reachable.
But they are. As soon as they don’t want what they vote to force. It doesn’t matter what specific type of faschism or what rights they are removing, if they are removing rights they don’t need they are still being eaten by leopards once they fall down the other side, accidental or not
So surprising, things have really changed since the “grab her by the pussy” days
The Anti-DEI people hate women? Whodathunk
There is some phrase involving (symbolic) intercourse and uncovering knowledge describing the sequence of events rather well. What was it again? Have sex and be enlightened? 🤔
Fornicate and figure it out.
Remember the MAGA women wearing the “You Can Grab My Pussy” shirts? Not all Republican women are going to be upset by this.
Wait, where was this? For research purposes for a friend.
You have to be very careful searching for this.
It’s impossible for idiots like this to ever admit they’re wrong.
Pride parades are morally disturbing to the fascists, but it’s fine when they parade their own authoritarian fetishes.
Rise of the Cult of Stupid, again.
cf. Salo by Pasolini
No, but a lot are.
I had to look that up to see if it was real, and sure enough—but I honestly shouldn’t be surprised. Utterly fucking revolting. On the other hand, the tee website display of a black man wearing it while saluting is pretty hilarious
As a fairly jacked middle aged bald man, I want to get one for the funny, but I won’t give them money.
I too wish to own republican women again. Hell I’ll work hard so I can afford whole binders full of women.
It’s an older meme. We thought Romney was so awful back in 2012. We do miss the days when McCain was the nominee.
Right, I fucking hate that bush Jr looks like a fucking primo candidate now
we thought palin was batshit insane. rep, knows how to one-up each other.
It may be an older meme, but does it check out?